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Setting up Online Ordering, need advice...


New member
I am in the process of getting my online ordering setup (Big Holler) and need some advice on different settings.
  1. Do you require your customers to log in to place an online order or can they order ‘as a guest’?
  2. Do you allow your customers to place an order online and then pay at pickup? I was thinking about setting a limit so that any order over $25 has to be paid online. Anything less can be ordered and paid at time of pickup.
  3. For those that are using Big Holler, what sort of customizations are you using? I believe they are fairly limited with the customizations, so I just want to make sure that I’m not missing anything.
  4. Did you ‘match’ your products up so that they pull correctly? We aren’t using the Inventory module in Point of Success, so they told me it wasn’t necessary to match. I think it would be best to do this so the orders just aren’t ‘dumping’ into the system.
Thanks in advance for any help.
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  1. I recommend allowing customers to order without logging in. The login presents too much of a barrier to ordering!
  2. The most important “customization” is the layout of the menu. Make it as shallow as possible. If your menu is small enough then you should have all products on one page. Using the ordering wizard is a good idea too. It walks customers through selecting options for the item or items ordered, making the process simpler.
  3. Product matching is important not only for Inventory but for reporting. You are not required to match products, but reports will not list the products you sell or their categories. It’s not that hard so do it!
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