Share your kitchen layouts


Active member
I am going to be redoing a few things in my store over the next couple of months and want to try and get a better workflow.
Would anyone be willing to share there kitchen layouts? A picture would be very helpful. Thanks
Are you going with a spiral or planetary? Shape of the drawing makes me think you’re going Spiral
That’s not bad at all. Does that one have a lift on it to tilt the dough out of the bowl? We have a Sinmag 60 that can do 100lb max batches cant image doing larger batches, I’d guess you would be able do do ~150lbs of flour
so I am told we can do up to 3 bags at once but the downside is getting the dough out is no fun…need to cut down and manually pull out…we shall see
We do our dough on an 8 ft 30" deep table. You’ll need bigger for the maximum batch to fit the table
thanks for the heads up…honestly did not think of it but we do have the worktop cooler next to our 8’x30" table for overflow. My guy has been doing it for 15yrs and has a rounder so he bangs through it pretty quick.
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Been wanting to add a rounder for years. If minimum wage goes up, that might be the tipping point
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dont wait…start looking on ebay now for a used one…bought mine approx 15yrs ago and one of the best ROI purchases I have made. Always shows up and never complains!
What model do you have? How long does it take to clean? Our thoughts were the cleanup part of it may offset the time savings
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We were looking at one of these but the electrical requirements threw us off for a bit. Is your single 120V outlet or did you have to upgrade your electrical?
Hi famous perry. What’s the measurements for your new space. Width x depth? I’m looking for floor plan ideas for a new space. It’s a new building 60ft deep x 200 wide. Currently We are only basically a 1300 sq ft delco unit with some seating in the lobby and we are out of room to grow. Need something like your showing a drawing of.