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Should I offer fountain or canned soda


New member
I recently added 30 seats into my delco unit and plan on using it mainly for large groups such as meetings or sports teams,my question is should I add a fountain unit to serve them or should I just go with canned sodas?
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when we first opened we had canned cokes because of the wait on equipment, I can tell you we got some pretty negative feed back and really doesnt look as presntable as fountain
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I agree! Big groups usually take time, and the longer they are there, the more they drink. I would not be happy having to get up and pay for another can every time someone in my party was thirsty.
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Each type of pop has its place in the market. I have worked for placed that have tried to deliver fountain pop and it was a huge PITA. I would not have to think twice about putting in a fountain for instore sales, it is the only logical product for that purpose.
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