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Shrimp or Seafood Pizza


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Does anyone have a good shrimp or seafood pizza they would share. and can anyone share how you would cook the shrimp if all you have is a conveyor oven (would it need to be cooked first?) i used to work at a place where we sauteed the shrimp then placed on the pizza (would using in a tin with shrimp and a little garlic butter half way through the conveyor work?) and another that had a good seafood pizza but for the life of me can’t remember what they put on it. also, those of you that do do you use a white or a red sauce? also never had or seen one but who does a clam pizza?
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We used to have shrimp on the menu. It was delicous but did not sell well for us. We did a chopped garlic and olive oil sauce, used cooked shrimp (much better shelf life, less waste, less food safety issues, better portion control). We combined with bacon for one of my favorite combos.
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I have a very popular shrimp pizza, but it may not be so in your area of the world. It may sound strange to you, but don’t mock it if you haven’t eaten it.

It’s a sweet chili shrimp pizza/

I use frozen, tailless cooked shrimp 50-70 per lb. size. Put the frozen shrimp in water for a few minutes to thaw as you prep the dough and other toppings. They go on last and pat them dry.

No tomato sauce. Use thin layer of Thai Sweet Chili sauce as base.
Top with onions, tiny teaspoons of mashed potatoes (from instant mix) (stop laughing) sliced black olives, shrimp, spoon more chili sauce on top, sprinkle small amount of gratin mix and black pepper. Squeeze small amount of mayonnaise over entire pizza, then cook normally.
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laughing?? whos laughing?? my mouth is watering all except for the mayo not a mayo fan unless its in deviled eggs. thanks guys keep’em coming
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Cooked mayo is nothing like raw. Very different flavor and the smell while cooking is phenomenal. People will surprised and you’ll have other customers ordering it after they smell it cooking.
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I have a very popular shrimp pizza, but it may not be so in your area of the world. It may sound strange to you, but don’t mock it if you haven’t eaten it.

It’s a sweet chili shrimp pizza/

I use frozen, tailless cooked shrimp 50-70 per lb. size. Put the frozen shrimp in water for a few minutes to thaw as you prep the dough and other toppings. They go on last and pat them dry.

No tomato sauce. Use thin layer of Thai Sweet Chili sauce as base.
Top with onions, tiny teaspoons of mashed potatoes (from instant mix) (stop laughing) sliced black olives, shrimp, spoon more chili sauce on top, sprinkle small amount of gratin mix and black pepper. Squeeze small amount of mayonnaise over entire pizza, then cook normally.
you had me until mayo 😦
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Sheesh, I forgot the cheese! I use a 50/50 mix of some mozzarella and gouda, but I don’t use much. Just a light sprinkle that browns a little as topping. I also add some sliced tomatoes as an extra topping. With tomatoes, I put them first down first between potatoes and put the shrimp on top of the slices.

Try it one time (and don’t forget the mayo! lol). This is also a good high price special, since everyone thinks shrimp is expensive and exotic.
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I’m loving that one pizza_garden, INCLUDING THE MAYO! 😃

We have a Thai restaurant here that does a shrimp dish with a mayo based sauce. It’s extremely rich and freaking delicious. They also have walnuts in it which I love.
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I want to try this pizza this weekend but I have a question. Am I understanding correctly that you use both a plain powdered mashed potato mix AND a potato gratin mix or are you using two different words for the same thing?

If you are using two different words for the same thing, which is it that you use, the plain instant mashed potato mix or a potato gratin mix?
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I place small spoonfuls of instant mashed potatoes around the pizza.
I sprinkle a small amount of gratin bread crumbs on top to absorb some of the water from the shrimp during cooking.

Good luck and I hope you like it.
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A small ice cream scoop is perfect for dishing out potatoes. They make them in just about any size, and they are much better for portion control than spoons (and easier to use).

We use a seafood mix for my seafood pizza. Mixing it in the store from pre-cooked ingredients:

Shrimp - Cut into quarters
Squid - Cut into cubes
Seasoned with salt and pepper

Then one scoop per slice around the edge and one scoop every other slice in the center.
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