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Size of Menu, Opinions?


New member
I would appreciate some opinions/feedback on the size of a menu as it may relate to customer appeal, perceived credibility of the concept/business, etc. In particular as it may apply to a dine in of 75 to 100 seats, take out and delivery. I see some pizza places that have very average food but with big menus covering everything from salads, to appetizers, sandwches, knots, calzones, pasta and pizza and they seem to do well. Is this because, even though the food might be very average, there is something there for everybody? Does this approach simply bring in the traffic so that the business appears busy and therefore must be pretty good and/or a good place to mingle? Is that approach more appealing to customers than going with a relatively small menu but concentrating on very good quality? One example I am thinking about is a place that has always run a 4.99 lunch special which is a giant slice of pizza, small salad and a 20oz beverage. Draws traffic (Mon-Fri special) Their menu has all the menu items I mentioned above. Food is not bad but it is certainly not more than average and the toppings are modest.
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why does a pizza place that has a large menu have to have average food? we fit everything that you are describing and each item we use the freshest and finest ingredients for each dish. Our customers each come for what they like, not because it is average, not because we offer everything but because they like it.
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start simple expand later but if you see that there is a comprmise in quality of your core concept stop
i would do pizza /sub and salads if i am sure that every item is going to be done right if you have a lot on your menue you will not be able to pay attention to your core concept ,people have to know you for a good pizza or a good pizza and good sub although i prefer just one is this a pizza place ? what is your best product is it a pizza or a sub? you can have a large menu with average quality and you will not last unless you have an excellent location with a very low competetion good luck
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Peep my menu. 2 kitchen staff Tues-Wed that goes to 3 men on Thurs/Fri/Sat. Diverse is the half of it. We are working to get pasta added back into the mix . . . need another cook for that, though. There is a link near top right for a print version in PDF

We gotta have that much variety just to survive the marketplace. And we are even planning to build a whole nother dining room and concept to expand the menu and reach of the restaurant. Do what you gotta do and set up for success with equipment, product, staffing, training, and processes.
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I am following the model of Pizzeria Bianco - one of the best in the country. Chris has only 6 pizzas and a total of 11 menu items plus a few extra toppings. I am mixing it up with an antipasto and pizza of the day such as a calzone or bianco which gives variety for returning customers. The way I figure it, the customer can add the toppings he/she wants or build their own starting with marinara or margherita.

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I wouldn’t follow all of Pizzeria Bianca’s model. If Chris isn’t working, they aren’t open. He apparently lets no one but himself cook. At least that is what they said on Oprah. So it must be true.
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