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Slice online ordering

$1.95 per order is a better price point than the companies that charge a percentage (most charge around 30%), but still can get expensive if you do high volume. My opinion is it’s a good solution for bringing your company into the digital world for the less tech savvy as they will do all the work for you, but if you have the no how you’re better off using one of the flat monthly rate services. I believe they do digital marketing as well, so there’s another pro. Also, it seems like it would be hard to switch services if you ever decided to sever ties with them, so you should definitely make sure you are in it for the long haul before getting started.
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I use them and so far I like them. Been using them for about 5 months now. Occasionally they get the prices wrong but for the most part they are good. I especially like the $1.95 per order instead of a percentage of the order.
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We started with Slice when they were “mypizza”, Just this week we have added more stores with the Slice service. Very happy with their customer service, easy to setup new stores, the layout online and on the app for customers is very easy to use, and I’m told today that they can retain email addresses and send out a “special” to registered users each week. We may soon be dropping our other online service and go forward with Slice in every location. Highly recommended
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Wow! $1.95 per order? We use Revention and HungerRush is associated with it. We pay $75 per month for their online ordering. Last month it was $0.09 per order. Do you have a point of sale? If so you should look into options that integrate with that. Online ordering is becoming MANDATORY. It grows every month. Would you like to be paying hundreds or thousands of $$$ per month in the (near) future for your online ordering? What other options do you have?
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I HIGHLY recommend not using slice, if you have your own website, and online ordering system. It makes no sense. They compete with you on the internet and make customers think that they are ordering thru your website. They will not bring in any new customers that you did not bring in yourself. I used them when I first opened, and miraculously, the only people that order thru Slice were the areas I went out and doorhung.

Companies like grubhub, eatstreet, eat24 are bringing in sales that you would not have gotten on your own, but Slice is like that little fish that swims beside the sharks mouth eating the scrapes.

Here’s the worst part, canceling with them. Its easier cleaning lime off a used 3 bay sink. Just ask Fatboy.
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Keep in mind what these services are now doing on Google as well.

Not only do their listings appear above yours many times in Google’s search results, but now a “Place Order” button appears on the search results page!

It looks as though you the restaurant purposely put it as part of your Google Business Profile. And you can’t remove/change it like everything else in your Google Profile.

So they’re effectively stealing all web traffic from you once you sign up.

Most restaurant owners I speak with had no clue this was happening and get pretty pissed when they unsuccessfully attempt to have the button removed by calling Google and the services.

There are other options that are cheaper and work just as well. Just look around a bit (hint, hint).
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Keep in mind what these services are now doing on Google as well.

Not only do their listings appear above yours many times in Google’s search results, but now a “Place Order” button appears on the search results page!

It looks as though you the restaurant purposely put it as part of your Google Business Profile. And you can’t remove/change it like everything else in your Google Profile.

So they’re effectively stealing all web traffic from you once you sign up.

Most restaurant owners I speak with had no clue this was happening and get pretty pissed when they unsuccessfully attempt to have the button removed by calling Google and the services.

There are other options that are cheaper and work just as well. Just look around a bit (hint, hint).
Hey Mike
I see what you mean. GH is on our Trip advisor site with an order button. Dont remember giving permission. Can it be removed?
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Hey Mike
I see what you mean. GH is on our Trip advisor site with an order button. Dont remember giving permission. Can it be removed?
Short of cancelling the service, sorry to say I haven’t heard of a way yet.

Many owners have tried calling Google and the services w/o success.

Search your restaurant on Google and see if a button appears there too. If it doesn’t, it probably will soon.

There’s a small discussion on reddit that may be helpful to take part in:
I definitely understand it’s tough to leave the more expensive services since you may lose a lot of business. So our advice to restaurants is to:

  1. []Not use the services in the first place when possible. Because you’re basically giving away all of your web traffic to them now and throwing away 10, 15, 20%.
    ]If a restaurant is already using the more expensive services, stop advertising for them (in-store and on website) and replace it with a good cheaper option. I’ve heard owners say the services will give a discount for orders that come from their own website, but again, this is another trick. The services get customers to install their app and/or sign up as members. Then that customer doesn’t visit your site again. One discounted order just cost you a future of high percentage fees.
If I ever hear of a restaurant having luck removing the order buttons, I’ll let you know.
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Hey Mike
I see what you mean. GH is on our Trip advisor site with an order button. Dont remember giving permission. Can it be removed?
Took a moment to find your restaurant online, and sure enough the Google order buttons are there.

See here. They appear on mobile as well as “Place Order”. (I’ve hidden any identifiable details.)

A customer searching for your restaurant online will see that and usually just click instead of visiting your website.

Fyi, your website seems to push another more expensive option for online ordering. My guess is that service charges around 12.5%. You definitely have other options to save a large percentage.
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It’s the complete lack of control that freaks me out with some of this stuff.
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Took a moment to find your restaurant online, and sure enough the Google order buttons are there.

See here. They appear on mobile as well as “Place Order”. (I’ve hidden any identifiable details.)

A customer searching for your restaurant online will see that and usually just click instead of visiting your website.

Fyi, your website seems to push another more expensive option for online ordering. My guess is that service charges around 12.5%. You definitely have other options to save a large percentage.
Thanks Mike
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