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I have started negotiating a lease. I don’t know for sure if it will happen at this location or not . It is 1 block from a high school with 1500 students and an open campus at lunch the convenience store next door gets 30 to 40 kids each lunch, as does the taco place. I am thinking I will sell a 16 inch pie cut into 6 slices for 2.99 does anybody else have a high school nearby their store? If i can get 5% of the kids to buy a slice that’s 75 slices per day. I can literally pay the rent gas and probably the electric for the year off that alone. What I’m really curious to find is how many slices do you sell a day and how many kids are in the school. Thanks!
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Warren, this could be huge for your biz congrats! Keep in mind, high schools often have two different lunch periods so you’ll likely have two rush periods. Setup the customer area to be an efficient in-and-out scheme and you should do well. Good luck my man!
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After 25 years as a public school teacher I have seen the slice thing firsthand. Currently, if the school is receiving federal funding for free and reduced lunches (and most all are) the pizzas have to fit the wellness law. This means a whole wheat based crust, non fat cheeses, etc. The pizzas taste terrible as do all school lunches. The last school lunch I ate was about 20 years ago and I quit teaching in Oct of 2015. The stuff they serve today is not fit for rats. Walter
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I wasnt planning on selling to thw schools. This school has open campus so the kids would come to me. I would be under zero federal guidlines.
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I wasnt planning on selling to thw schools. This school has open campus so the kids would come to me. I would be under zero federal guidlines.
You are cookin with gas now! School food is so bad you may have to fight them off with clubs. Sorry I misunderstood. Long night last night with lines 20+ deep before we opened for lunch and diner and standing room only for both… Walter
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Is there competition around that location?

Not sure where you’re located, but here if your TOO close to a school or church you cannot sell beer and wine. Don’t know if that’s an issue for you or not.
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After 25 years as a public school teacher I have seen the slice thing firsthand. Currently, if the school is receiving federal funding for free and reduced lunches (and most all are) the pizzas have to fit the wellness law. This means a whole wheat based crust, non fat cheeses, etc. The pizzas taste terrible as do all school lunches. The last school lunch I ate was about 20 years ago and I quit teaching in Oct of 2015. The stuff they serve today is not fit for rats. Walter
But the Feds are not only requiring the schools to serve that junk that across the country the kids are rejecting but they are now going to fine any schools that will not do it. I talked to an administrator who works for a school district in our area. She says that they dump significant amounts of unused/untouched food directly into the trash cans on a daily basis. How bad must it be if the kids are bringing (sneaking in?) snacks or food they purchase with their own money?
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All together now… Thank You Aunt Michelle!
I can easily see a move to improve the nutritional profile of foods served in our schools, but this has way to far to the right, I can easily buy into pizzas made with a limited amount of cheese per slice and with “healthy” toppings such as chicken and vegetables or even poultry pepperoni, but when things have progressed to the point where the kids are refusing to eat the stuff it serves the good of no one and actually hurts everyone in lost or ill spent resources. Instead, why not reinstate gym/P.E. classes?
Tom Lehmann/The Dough Doctor
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Or accept the fact that kids (and most adults) can not sit for 8 hours straight without some type of healthy play time…
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The problem with the wellness law is school cafeterias no longer have cooks. It is all frozen and pre packaged garbage. I was able to score a hobart 60 quart mixer from a school district because they no longer use it (it was only used to make mashed potatoes and gravy) and is like brand new. Most schools are getting rid of all their cooking equipment and going to stuff that reheats and steams premade food. The healthy chocolate chip cookie I developed that fits in the wellness guidelines blew the big name makers products away and resulted in us having 10-15,000 cookies a week ordered from us. One of the school districts we sold to said no to the federal funding for lunches, hired a local food service company that did farm to market/organic/fresh house made food and the lunches only cost a quarter more than what our district served via the premade route. I want to eventually start up our healthy cookies here in Reno because there is 6 times the student population than we had in Ohio and will result in 10 or more people with disabilities having work.
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I am in a small town we do a 2 slice and a 24oz drink for $4.50 $4 cash price(discount 😉 ) it works well here just make sure you have the staff to handle it because they will bumrush you because they only have 30-45 min for lunch
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