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Slices,,, profitable ?


New member
Anyone add slices and glad they did ? Havn’t ever offered slices _ worried about bringing down pizza quality and having tables used up with low checks, at new location people will be asking for slices, cuz most places around here offer slices, anyone quit doing slices and glad they did ? Steven Tyler picked up three pizzas the other night and let employee’s take a few selfies !!! whew whew !
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i sell slices, people love the convenience and speed of grabbing a slice. for it to be profitable ya need to sell a lot kinda like hot dogs because of the low check average gotta move a lot to make a decent buck.
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I run a buffet mon-fri, last year i started allowing people to buy slices off it. Lost some buffet sales, but i have picked up 20% more people every week because of the slice offering.

Once people see what we offer, and the convience of it, we get repeat business and about half the time they come back for the full buffet. I look at it as a way to grab the business folks who only have 20 minutes (and a great way to steal people away from the Burger King in our lot lol).
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We do slices but only during lunch. Not a huge thing for us but the people that buy them were never coming in for a whole pie. We do two slices and a 20oz soda for $6 including tax. We are cutting a 16" pie in 8 slices and generally the pies we offer are 2 toppings so we are getting $22 (not counting tax) for a 16" two top with four drinks. If they don’t take the deal, slices are $2.50 each and drinks are $2. It is all gravy for us since we are open anyway for delivery and prep.
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People love to be able to grab a slice. I make only so many though since I make the “slice” pies 18" and my pies are 16". Once the 18" dough balls are gone, I’m done. They are profitable, but require more work heating them and bagging them, probably half of them are to go (or more) so I don’t get concerned about table space. And since I offer different selections, people like to try them all and get beers, sodas, so it adds up to more than a whole pie. Make sure you test them out, and your pizza reheats up well. You can under cook them a little bit since they’ll be heated again. If your regular pizza is really thin, you may want to thicken it up a bit. Nothing worse than a dried out slice, IMHO.
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We sell slices as a way to get people to try our pizza when we are mostly known for our BBQ, it has increased our pizza sales considerably because people can give it a try without too much of an investment.
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Started the business with slices, one of my best days is when I got rid of slices. Many told me to just sell mini pizzas instead for a higher price point which I did. I was going nuts selling slices for a couple of bucks and then have the pizza sit around until thrown away. It really depends on your area. My slices were not doing good because I have lots of $5 pizza guys around. Why spend on a slice when for a few bucks more they could buy a large crappy $5 pizza down the street. On the other hand, can you imagine going to NY and not grabbing a slice! “Fuhgeddaboudit!”
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Those selling slices, what are you using as warmers? Do you under cook the pizza and when someone buys a slice, you put it in the oven to reheat?
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We do a buffet, so they just buy slices off that. We do not store pizza’s specifically for slices. Tho at the old location when i was the GM, we used a Hot box with humidity controls (do not remember the name) and it worked well.
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We are in a rural town, and offer slices, but the volume is so unpredictable, we only offer slices for lunch, so Noon to 2 pm, or until sold out. We always end up throwing out unsold plain cheese or hawaiian slices so its very rarely we ever make those anymore. We used to offer a pepperoni, now we make what we call a Mother Lode Pepperoni, which is somewhat like a double pepperoni. It sells the best, and if there’s any not sold by 2 pm, (it means my family gets a slice for lunch-- family run operation) We have a “HATCO Flav-r-fresh” display that is humidity and temp controlled. Ours is a 14" cut into 6 slices and we get the value for the time. 2 or more Slices go in small chipboard boxes, singles we ask is a paper plate ok? Do you need it covered? and if they do we just put a parchment and a square of foil folded over the top. 1 slice with a large soda is $5 and includes tax. The slices are pretty big, so its a worthwhile special.

What is utterly ridiculous is how many people come in and try to order slices from 4 pm and later. Our menu says, “Lunch Only - Noon to 2 pm or until we run out!” I also tell them, “If its in the case we have it otherwise, I’m sorry we don’t” But, they still keep popping in at that time of day expecting a different result. Its virtually impossible for us to make slices when we’re swamped cranking out dinner pizzas! So its just not offered at that time.
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What is utterly ridiculous is how many people come in and try to order slices from 4 pm and later.
I would find a way. Even if it meant prepping up a couple of pies to be ready for the oven so all I had to do was run them through.
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We’ve got a glass deli cooler with other things in it (Bread pudding, & such), when the pies for slices come out, they get displayed on top of that, after an hour they go inside the cooler until ordered.
If we have any left, the crew takes the leftover slices. 1 slice sold pays for the entire pizza, we’re just doing slices to get people to get hooked on our pizza and to migrate into new territory from our BBQ
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