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Slicing Provolone


New member
Anyone have any tips. I’m using a globe deli slicer and it’s going okay but i have Some waste. When slicing i am getting one side of the slice thin and the other side thick.
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HI mrschleg:

It appears your carriage is bent and is presenting the cheese to the blade at an angle.

George Mills
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Just a guess here and maybe another possibility than being bent… if this is a manual slicer… when you slice you are puttng pressure on one area as you push it through causing the cheese to flex or bend out of shape and cause the thickness differences. You are basically not letting the blade do the work. Point being a dull blade or trying to slice too fast. All are possibilities. Let us know what you figure out and also…what model are you using? :?:
How does your slicer do on meats?
I have a very old Toledo slicer and it has 3 adjusting screws for adjusting the angle of the plate that the product rests on during its short trip to the blade. I do not have instructions, but by tweaking these i have been able to get a fairly even cut.
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