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Nah, I’m slow because we haven’t completed our construction yet 😃 Sorry to be a smart @ss so quickly.
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It is a little after 6 and we have not had one single order yet today. I have head several days where we just barely got to $100 and no deliveries. My $3000 a week is down to 2300 a week and summer isn’t even here yet!~
We’re doing our customer appreciation day this Saturday. I’ll make sure I fill you in on the results. If you want the “plan” to make this work let me know.

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It is a little after 6 and we have not had one single order yet today. I have head several days where we just barely got to $100 and no deliveries. My $3000 a week is down to 2300 a week and summer isn’t even here yet!~
OMG I think I would cry.I remember having sub $100 days.85 was the lowest if I remember.Even Then my rent was only 600mo and included all utilities and I worked there by myself so overhead was very low.
I figure with the new place I need about 2500 a week to break even or average 300 a day.
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We’re doing our customer appreciation day this Saturday. I’ll make sure I fill you in on the results. If you want the “plan” to make this work let me know.

I’m not proud. I’d like to see your plan as well.

PS we revisited our cards and did just a minor re-arranging to unclutter the front of the card and simplify the message . . . “Whjat’s your craving” and “We’re back open for business”.
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Guys. Just PM me your e-mail addy and I’ll be happy to send it out to you.

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I got the plan, and I like the concept. We are not so much coupon driven in our market, but are looking at a big special for a couple weeks after we open . . . to drive the heard into the shop. I really like the sign/banner and we’re looking to develop one to catch people’s eyes.

It will become the basis for a customer appreciation night and overall campaign that we can develop and trot out periodically. Once we get the materials designed, we can just use over and again if it is a successful drive.

We have an incredibly generous customer who has offered to print full color signs/banners (of decent quality) for us when we need them (we aren’t taking advantage of that offer . . . using it, but not taking advantage of them).
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I would like to see the plan as well! I specialize in “spaghetti marketing” - throw it up against the wall and see what sticks!

Seriously, does everyone else have a distinct “plan”? I have a lot of ideas that when a get a free minute we pick one and follow it. There’s no long-term plan or formula we’re following. Should we have a plan for 3 months? 6 months? or as far as a year out?

I should say we’re constantly running to catch up - we did a postcard mailing that gave us a 10% bump, then had a lot of people urging us to change the name. We did, along with an expanded menu and redecoration of the entire store - that brought us another 25% increase. In 7 1/2 months we went from a closed down store (vacant about 8 months) to going over $6K a week.

Should we be planning more? I finally have a budget to work with for marketing and I guess I feel like we should have something.

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It is a little after 6 and we have not had one single order yet today. I have head several days where we just barely got to $100 and no deliveries. My $3000 a week is down to 2300 a week and summer isn’t even here yet!~
The summer weather is actually helping us and good for us. Our sales were up last week and look like they will be this week too. Of course we are very close to a very large lake with lots of campgounds and we are getting the campers now.

What I really hate is giving discounts . . . we grossed over $1000.00 on Thursday, but after all the discounts, only netted approx. $670.00.
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I have only owned my business for eight months so it seems like there is a suprise around every corner. I’ve talked with my vendors and they tell me everyone is slow for some reason. This month SUCKED!!! I don’t know if it was Easter, or tax time or what but I hope May rebounds…I haven’t had a month this bad since August!
Better that way than doing $300-$400 in sales, right? Get people in the habit of eating your pizza, then work on increasing ticket avg. and lowering discount percentages.
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if not for the land slide of hotels this would have been a little slow for us as well.
May will rebound REMEMBER you have to get the words out about graduation partys…use the down time constructive. I always have a plan for slow nights. Its a great tie to update my pos, with the recent price changes I feel that is hard to keep up with
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What a weekend!

Had a major public holiday (Anzac Day) on Wednesday and had two good nights (Tuesday and Wednesday) but then came Thursday which was very slow - 35% less than normal.

Friday night was awesome and then Saturday topped most Friday (our businest night) sales for this year. Sunday was up 50% on normal which resulted in the weeks figures up nearly 20% on normal.

For the life of me I can’t think of what caused the big weekend, but I’m sure as hell not going to change anything that we are doing (only do it better).

The only downside is that if it keeps up like this (and it has been near this for a while) we wil have to put in another oven … $$$$.

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