Small Conveyor Oven


New member
Hello everyone, my name is jeremy and we own some pizza shops in New Zealand. I have been long time reader but first time poster in this forum. We are looking to take over a new store that has quite a small suitable space for a conveyor oven. The available brands here are quite limited (everything is) so potentially looking to buy in from overseas.
Does anyone have any recommendations for conveyor ovens, my main requirement asides from it being reasonable quality is a 24 inch deep belt so you can fit 2x 12 inch trays side by side (we will also double stack the ovens). It needs to fit into a tight space, so as small as possible within the requirements.
The brands that we can get here easily are basically Middleby Marshall and XLT.
sorry if similar topic have been hashed out before
You cannot go wrong with either one of those brands, in my opinion.

We use Lincoln and have had great results as well.

Our new location will be using ventless Ovention ovens, I will update how they are as soon as we open.
Thanks Jimbolini, yeah we use a mixture in our other stores, XLT, Lincoln and MM. They are all good, but this space we are looking at now requires something a bit smaller. But still able to fit 2 x 12 inch trays. We have found one company that has something that is suitable but dealing with their sales people doesn’t leave a good impression. I will check out Ovention, thanks for the heads up