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Socail media reviews

Social Media has helped us out but we have been having issues with customers causing havoc on our pages. We recently had a customer that got mad because we caught onto his scam. He has been posted bad reviews and comments about us all over social media. what do you guys do when things like this happen?
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I changed my Facebook business page to were no one can check in leaving comments that are false they can only like my page
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Social Media has helped us out but we have been having issues with customers causing havoc on our pages. We recently had a customer that got mad because we caught onto his scam. He has been posted bad reviews and comments about us all over social media. what do you guys do when things like this happen?
I read your Facebook page.

Your responses to those reviews are professional.

I’ve learned after 17 years in business, you can’t please everyone. Let him post all over the place. When people see your response, they will ignore it.
Some people have too much time on their hands and like to destroy people and businesses on social media.

If you made a mistake or took 2 hours to deliver the order, mAke good on it as you have.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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I guess i take these kind of reviews to heart. We weigh all of our toppings so I do not understand how they can say they didn’t get as much toppings as last time. It is upsetting when people say things like this. I take pride in my product.
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Padrones Pizza post: 104452:
How did you do that?
Go onto your setting. I looked on a YouTube video then discovered if you uncheck you business location it stops people from reviewing your page
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Ive learned that reviews can be just as stressful or even more stressful at times than the work itself. I wouldnt take things to heart went it comes to reviews. I will tell you to just look at reviews as a learning tool. See what people complain about and fix them. If there is a recurring problem in your system you will see a pattern in your reviews. If you know the review is bogus other people will see it too. I dont respond to reviews at all. I just let them be. We have mostly good reviews and our bad reviews in my opinion arent even that bad. They are usual pizza problems like we took too long on a delivery or the driver forgot the dressing for the salad. We have one review where a lady complain that she comes here all the time and the pizza is good but this time it was too greasy and she wished we didnt raise our prices. Focus on your product and more importantly your customer service. Make sure your employees are treating the customers well especially on deliveries because you arent there to see it. I tell all my drivers the more you sweet talk the bigger the tip and most of them do this pretty well. We always greet on the way in and on the way out. If a customer has a problem with something we try and fix it immediately. We have had quite a few customers threaten that they will go to yelp and write a bad review and i just let them say their piece and be gone because I know I have done my best to please them. You cant please everyone and not everyone will like your food either.
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