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SOFO issues... is it just me??


New member
Hello everyone,

is it just me or is anyone else having constant issues with SOFO Foods? We have been using them for a couple of years and here in the last few months, we have had nothing but problems with their accounting and shipping departments.

We are either getting someone else’s items, not getting our items, or getting low quality items. As for the accounting; we pay our trucks as they come in (I do not like carrying a balance), and every new invoice that we get always shows a balance due from the previous week. My wife calls their accounting department and after about 15 minutes and/or a few callbacks, the issue is resolved and it was their mistake. This is really getting old and we constantly complain to our Rep about it and he agrees with us and says he is passing our complaints along through the proper channels.

We spoke with a Sysco rep last week and will probably move most of our order through them.

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I use Sysco and have been fairly happy with them but have also seen the invoice balances sent out when I pay cash too. Havent had any problems with the products but watch for the pricing on your invoice for wings and cheese. Sometimes they “accidentally” price it a few cents a pound higher than quoted then have to wait on credits.
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We don’t have SOFO in our shop, but the other issues sound to be industry wide!

I also pay on delivery, it keeps me from that one big check at the end of the month shock! One of our suppliers has consistently shown me carrying a balance from the previous week. It’s simply that their bookkeeping isn’t as up to date as their shipping department it appears. They actually are making changes because of us pointing out the errors.

Sysco…hmm…we’ve had them in every few months (with a new rep) since we opened a couple years ago. I REALLY like my current rep, but they can’t seem to get and keep their pricing in line with what my regional distributors are offering me. The other thing is, I get the distinct vibe that THEY intend to call the shots in my store. More of a “I don’t care we’re Sysco” type thing…that don’t play with me especially since I have 2 fine, smaller but very well run suppliers that I’m happy with.
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