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Some days I miss owning a pizza place!


Staff member
I just got the recent issue of PMQ and it gave me a “buzz”…I usually get so excited after reading all the ideas and information in each issue…Made me realize it has been over 15 years since I owned my last place…And with TT and PMQ I know so much more now than I ever did in my owner days…Maybe one of these days an opportunity will come my way and I will once again get my hands dirty…

PS…“Winning Menus” should be a must read for you owner/manager folks…
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Royster, you’re RIGHT! There are a couple of good articles - in so much as they encourage you to think. Good job PMQ!
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I just got the recent issue of PMQ and it gave me a “buzz”…I usually get so excited after reading all the ideas and information in each issue…Made me realize it has been over 15 years since I owned my last place…And with TT and PMQ I know so much more now than I ever did in my owner days…Maybe one of these days an opportunity will come my way and I will once again get my hands dirty…

PS…“Winning Menus” should be a must read for you owner/manager folks…
Somedays, like today for instance, I miss not owning a pizza shop 😉
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