Re: Speedline Install going horribly wrong
Let me tell you my horror story:
I have a lot of history with Speedline.
I have been using Speedline for 3 years. I had spoken to the install dept and had agreed on a date and time for them to fly out to my 2nd store and do the install. This had been discussed, documented and agreed on several months in advance. I sent them a check and heard nothing back. I assumed all was well. Well on the day of the install, I call Speedline and talked to Jeremy, my contact, who said there was no one to be here because he had only received my payment that morning. I had sent it early enough but he said that it had sat on someone’s desk for 5 days. I was furious. His first response was for me to “get a back up plan”.
Now remember, I open in 2 days. Anyone who is been in this position knows that everything is ready to go, food etc…
After a “come to Jesus” meeting, I told him that I would find someone-like I have time for this- to do the install. He promised to help them with the transfer of info from my other store to this one.
I was not looking for another pos supplier, but I am now!!
Remember, they are all salespeople, they tell you what you want to hear to make the sale, then hand you off after the papers are signed.