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Speedline Install going horribly wrong. But all is well now.


New member
Went live with our system and wow, I can’t believe how badly it is going. Menu structure seems totally wrong. I know we have a pretty large menu and have lots of modifiers but I believed this was a fully featured system. Anyone currently using Speedline I could talk to would be greatly appreciated. Our installer is here another day and I need some answers before he leaves.
Thanks for any help.
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Re: Speedline Install going horribly wrong

Wow… Speedline is a top notch system.

Tell them how you want it setup… also, it might take a few days of getting used to.
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Re: Speedline Install going horribly wrong

Hi. I understand that you and your sales and install reps have already put together a plan this morning to resolve your concerns. Andrew mentioned that he had sent you contact info for a few customers with similar menus. I encourage you to talk with them to ease your mind. If you’re still worried about anything, please call Andrew or Leanne right away. We want to make sure that your complete menu is set up the way you need it, and that you and your staff are feeling comfortable with it.

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Re: Speedline Install going horribly wrong

Just wanted to update. Everyone I spoke with at Speedline were very helpful. We were having problems with installation and programming. Looks like we have worked through those and the system is up and running, and made it through a very busy friday.
I’m looking forward to all this system can and will do to help grow and manage my business.
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Re: Speedline Install going horribly wrong

Please keep us posted on how this progresses. I nearly wrote off Speedline(for the second time) as a possible replacement for my system based on your initial post. I would appreciate hearing how it’s going in a month or two.
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Re: Speedline Install going horribly wrong

I have used speedline for 3 yrs. overall they have a good system. little pricey but you get what you pay for. the only downside is you always get somebody different when you call the support line.
pm me if you have any direct questions on features or performance.
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Re: Speedline Install going horribly wrong
How much was speedline if you dont mind me asking?
4 stations approx under 20k
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Re: Speedline Install going horribly wrong
I have used speedline for 3 yrs. overall they have a good system. little pricey but you get what you pay for. the only downside is you always get somebody different when you call the support line.
pm me if you have any direct questions on features or performance.
Thanks, actually was considering digital dining so speedline was a value at @30% less. I have called tech support several times and they have been very helpful. Really looks as if I had installer issues mostly because of him never having done a bar before.
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Re: Speedline Install going horribly wrong

What issues did you run into? I wasn’t happy about paying to have an installer come out and install my system (not Speedline) but it sounds like the install is very important!
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Re: Speedline Install going horribly wrong
Hi. I understand that you and your sales and install reps have already put together a plan this morning to resolve your concerns. Andrew mentioned that he had sent you contact info for a few customers with similar menus. I encourage you to talk with them to ease your mind. If you’re still worried about anything, please call Andrew or Leanne right away. We want to make sure that your complete menu is set up the way you need it, and that you and your staff are feeling comfortable with it.

This is why I use Speedline They will do whatever it takes to make it work for you. I to had some issues when we did the install but they stayed till I was happy and then after I was up for about a month I put together a list of what I wanted changed and we did it all over the phone one afternoon.

We did the same thing after 6 months and also 1 year. You will figure things out as you go and they will help you every step of the way. If you have any questions email me any time.
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Re: Speedline Install going horribly wrong

Let me tell you my horror story:
I have a lot of history with Speedline.
I have been using Speedline for 3 years. I had spoken to the install dept and had agreed on a date and time for them to fly out to my 2nd store and do the install. This had been discussed, documented and agreed on several months in advance. I sent them a check and heard nothing back. I assumed all was well. Well on the day of the install, I call Speedline and talked to Jeremy, my contact, who said there was no one to be here because he had only received my payment that morning. I had sent it early enough but he said that it had sat on someone’s desk for 5 days. I was furious. His first response was for me to “get a back up plan”.
Now remember, I open in 2 days. Anyone who is been in this position knows that everything is ready to go, food etc…
After a “come to Jesus” meeting, I told him that I would find someone-like I have time for this- to do the install. He promised to help them with the transfer of info from my other store to this one.
I was not looking for another pos supplier, but I am now!!
Remember, they are all salespeople, they tell you what you want to hear to make the sale, then hand you off after the papers are signed.
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Re: Speedline Install going horribly wrong

Just like you make mistakes so do other companies I dont think it is fair to say “they are all salespeople, they tell you what you want to hear to make the sale, then hand you off after the papers are signed.” Does it happen? I amsure it does sometimes is it the way they do business? Not from my experience.
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Re: Speedline Install going horribly wrong
Scott Hack:
What issues did you run into? I wasn’t happy about paying to have an installer come out and install my system (not Speedline) but it sounds like the install is very important!
Our menu was larger than the installer/menu programmer had ever dealt with and we also have a full bar. When he arrived the menu was no where close to being functional. During the week he was here I was told several times by him that this system would not do what we wanted it to, only to eventually find a way for it to work that way.
I would suggest in hindsight that it is important to make sure every part of your menu is set up exactly the way you want it prior to your install, and spend extra time doing this.
The software is working fine and the product is every bit as capable as we were told by the sales staff.
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