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square peg in a round hole


Staff member
found a restaurant that has been out of business for 3 years there is a used middleby marshall 360 that I want to buy…its the only thing left in the building because the door is 35 inches wide and no one can figure how to get it out LOL…
they got in some how its a single gas control on bottom (not on a stand)
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I have moved many of them, and it is pretty easy. 2 people can do it with a bit of a struggle, and with 3 or more you will have no problem at all.

Here are the steps:
  1. Take off the window & handle.
  2. Take out the conveyor.
  3. Tip it onto a dolly, the window side down(don’t use the fan as leverage).
  4. Take off the base, should just be 4 bolts per corner.
shoot me an email if you want any more specifics. It is pretty easy though.
If the front of the building is glass, you can hire a glass company to take out a window pane so you can get it though (what used to be) the door.
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a 4-wheel movers dolly is the ticket, but you can also do it with a pallet jack if you have one. We did our with 4 guys and it was a piece of cake
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