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Stani report: Credit where credit is due


New member
Well folks, As a result of posts on the TT a week or two ago…

A think tanker who keeps a low profile, Steve Rouse VP Stanislous contacted me. I had commented that I would be receptive to a company that seemed to care about our business.

As a result, a Denver based rep from Omega marketing, their broker, contacted me and made the trip up to our town (3 hour drive each way) to tell me the Stanislous story. Great story.

In the end though, I sell pizza not supplier stories. The rep dropped off enough product for us to fool around with a couple of different batch recipes for taste testing. We made up 6 different batches including our own. We let them sit in the walk-in for two days and today we made a total of 16 test pies. We had employees from neighbor businesses come in and a bunch of people that responded to our my facebook post that we would be tasting pizza. Three rounds of testing. Eliminations… 30-40 votes per round.

Our current sauce and two combinations based on Stani products were the finalists.

We will be changing to a sauce based on the Stani products we liked best about the end of the month when we run through the product we have on hand.

Maybe we will tell that vendor brand story in our radio ads after all.
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I had done much the same type of testing. Even just the product straight from the can convinced me of the superior quality. When I first was looking for a tomato product I got a can of everything GFS, Sysco and Suputo had to offer. I found the Stanislaus products to be the only one that did not leave a metallic aftertaste in my mouth.

The customer service that I have received from this company is far beyond any other company that I have dealt with. My phone calls have been answered by a real person every single time I have called. They have made follow up calls to make sure my situation has been looked after to my satisfaction.

The news letter they send out has many great tips and insights into the industry. They pass on what is successful for their customers to help everyone succeed.

All in all Stanislaus is a class act company.
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