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Stanislaus' Full Red or Saporito

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First I would like to thank everyone for your imput on my last post regarding cooking in a convection oven. It is all very valuable information to me. But my next question regards the difference between Stanislaus’ Full Red and Saporito pizza sauces. At my previous pizzerias I always used Saporito, and loved it for many obvious reasons. But many people are telling me that for that true New York Pie taste and a higher yield, I should use Full Red. Any suggestions? Thanks in advance.
I would suggest calling Stanislaus @ 800-987-9670 and ask them for their advice. This is one of the best suppliers I have ever had the pleasure of dealing with. They are very helpful and will go above and beyond the normal customer service.
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Full red will not yield as well as Saporito. Maybe a 10 - 15% less yield but still a great taste. Full red is definately the preferred sauce in the northeast but you can’t go wrong with either one!
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I use both Tomato Products and are very happy with them.

Saporito is alot thicker then the Full Red
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I’d like to follow the conversation, but find it impossible.

Please, tell us which Saporito and Full Red products you are talking about in your posts. These are two LINES of products that include several actual tomato products.

Are we talking about Full Red® Pizza Sauce (aka Full Red® Concentrated Crushed) and Saporito® Super Heavy Pizza Sauce (aka Saporito® Super Heavy Concentrated Crushed)?
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Sorry, I am compairing Saporito Super Heavy Pizza Sauce and Full Red Pizza Sauce. Also if you can comment on how you cut the Saporito with water and spice it as well, I would appreciate it.