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Stanislaus Full Red Pizza Sauce Recipe Request


New member
I just got my samples of Full Red Pizza Sauce from Stanislaus and am looking for some different recipes to try out for the quantities of 1 can or less. I will probably cut the contents of the can into 4th’s so I can experiment. Any help would be appreciated. Looking for specifics like how much water to cut it with, if any, then specific quantities of oregano, basil, etc… in tsp or ?? Thanks for your help!
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Their fully prepared sauce is pretty good as is. Comes with fresh basil and garlic already.
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Dewar's Pizza Bakery:
Their fully prepared sauce is pretty good as is. Comes with fresh basil and garlic already.
I def wouldn’t add any water. I know some people do to cut costs, but I’d rather spend the extra pennies to fulfill my quality standards. You could always your own special ingredients to call it your own like adding dried oregano and basil, maybe some salt or pepper, or even a tiny tiny bit of crushed red pepper/cayenne, maybe even a little ground fennel seed. Its all trial and error. Start with a little of what ever you choose and go from there. Just keep a notepad and pen handy when you’re adding so when you find something you like, you know exactly what you put in it. Just remember LESS IS MORE… Just b/c it tastes great now, doesn’t mean it wont be overpowering tomorrow.
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We were having trouble finding a spice company that wouldn’t go out of business. So we switched from the Full Red to their premade sauce and then added Basil, Oregano, Black Pepper and Romano. I don’t have our exact formula in front of me, but I know a 5 gallon batch only takes a small zip lock bag of spices.
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Do you mix the fully prepared sauce with any other sauces or just use as is?
We just add spice to the Stanislaus premade sauce. It’s actually cheaper per case than the Full Red, 7-11, etc. for us. Get a Stanislaus rep to stop by your store and talk to you. He’ll give you several gallons of sauce to play with and give you some tips on what others are doing.
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Im using the “Full Red Pizza Sauce” as a base. What do you add to yours? Do you use the same or is it a different product?
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Im using the “Full Red Pizza Sauce” as a base. What do you add to yours? Do you use the same or is it a different product?
Be sure you’re using the correct sauce that you’re intending to. When I first opened, I made the mistake of using the Full Red Pizza Sauce (as is). I tried the Full Red at Pizza Expo and thought it was great. Then I found out that the sauce I really wanted to use was Full Red “Fully Prepared” sauce. I didn’t know there was a difference. I learned the Full Red Pizza Sauce is a base, while the Full Red Fully Prepared Sauce is the one that is ready to use out of the can (if you choose). My distributor didn’t know there was a difference.

Anyways, I still use Full Red Fully Prepared, but I find it a little too runny for my taste. So I mix it with another brand of sauce that is much thicker. I get lots of compliments on my sauce. 8)
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We’re using the Pizzaiolo “Autentico” Pizza Sauce. I like that it has olive oil in it already, we use very little sauce on our pies, so a bold sauce is important.
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We also use Pizzaiolo sauce “as is” and people love our pies. It goes on very consistently and doesn’t overwhelm any other flavors on the pizzas. Sometimes we’ll mix in some chipotle or BBQ as we spread out the sauce for different flavors.
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