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Statistics, who spends more on pizza KIDS or COLLEGE STUDENT


New member
Had a little set back in the purchase of my store, this leaves me with the option of opening where I pick. I am looking at a college town and a tourist/rural area now. I’ve got the $17.81 per household stat. Is there any statistical data out there on $ spent on pizza, college vs children.

Any anecdotal feelings or stats you have?

College is no brainer, but lots of stores to compete with.

Tourist/rural, much smaller and less competition, but with an added opportunity of alot of hotel people coming in weekly… though ongoing marketing to them would be more difficult.

Any thoughts or advice would be appreciated.

(oh, if I get an equal share of the market in either town, the $$ are within $1,500 of each other, but I don’t know how to quantify the possible transient hotel business)
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Re: Statistics, who spends more on pizza KIDS or COLLEGE STU

I’ll vote for college students, as I have some who literally order 5 times a week for a whole semester. Sometimes 5 times in two days. I also have families that order a couple times per week, just not as common as the college kids.
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Re: Statistics, who spends more on pizza KIDS or COLLEGE STU

Hotel business is difficult for a new indy to get. The typical tourist would just order from one of the national chains. they tend to order from where the know the quality, even if it’s not that good. After some time, if you get channel guides and key cards, and make friends with the front desk staff, you may get your share of this business.
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Re: Statistics, who spends more on pizza KIDS or COLLEGE STU

Where is your price point high, average, lower? Is your pizza competing with dominos, LC or maybe higher end?
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Re: Statistics, who spends more on pizza KIDS or COLLEGE STU

I vote college store…biz may suffer when school is out, but better labor market for staff…we were 1 $400K+ store…you can build a decent core of neighborhood biz to off-set school vacations…
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Re: Statistics, who spends more on pizza KIDS or COLLEGE STU

Our price point is probably a bit low. We sell a 16" cheese for $8.49, $1.35 per topping with free delivery. We use stanislaus sauce, Suputo block cheese, fresh made dough. At my store we do 85% delivery, 15% carryout. $14.75 average ticket, 1600 orders per week. We don’t have little ceasers here, but one of the stronger Dominos Franchisees. Indys have not fared well in pizza delivery in this town in recent years. Our company has two other stores in town, one slower, one busier. The busier one delivers to few families and mostly students. My store is about half students and half families, and the slower one delivers to few students and mostly families. While each of the three stores probably has equal market share within their delivery area, the higher the student count, the higher the sales per address. And it also tends to follow that the students tend to live clustered, whether in dorms, apartments, small houses, so you can typically have more addresses to deliver to in a college town.
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