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Store Re-Fit Rant and Vent


New member
Sorry guys but time to have another vent and rant.
Monday was the 1st day of our re-fit with a few minor problems like storage container 6 hours late in coming then not being able to fit ovens make bench etc in it as the flooring was too high for the pallet jack to get in and all attempts to build ramps etc failing :oops: Dough mixer and prep bench are all outside in the courtyard under tightly wrapped tarpaulins. Luckily the oven is on wheels and stoven on a pallet jack so they are in the front of the shop with easy moving out and in as required.
Tuesday tile strippers came in commenced lifting tiles with 4 jackhammers and centre management (we’re in a shopping centre) closed it down after 2 - 3 hours due to being too noisy for adjacent day traders (fair enough call - 4 jack hammer going at once was a bit noisy). They come back 8pm Wednesday evening and work until 2am.
Thursday tiler comes in and says certain things need doing to get floor in shape for tiling - fixed aluminium wall edges need trimming back so I get going on that using 15 or so discs and 8 hours doing it, as well as removing some tiles and old glue the floor strippers missed (they couldn’t get back until the weekend). To top it off some wall tiles were cracked or fell off due to the extreme vibration so they now need replacing.
So after 4 days into the re-fit we are 2 behind.
Good thing tiler started today (Friday) and is working until late tonight to finish kitchen and do prep area Saturday and grout out on Sunday so we can move kitchen equipment back in Monday. Then he will do Monday & Tuesday do front of shop, grouting out on Wednesday.
Will have to work Tuesday day and night painting out the walls (high gloss white) in prep area that are not tiled and painting outside walls of coolroom to freshen up the appearance, especially in kitchen area where it is visible to customers.
Hopefully we are able to do prep on Thursday ready for Friday re-opening.
Tiles down so far look great - 18" x 18" dark, dark grey (almost black) in kitchen and prep area and 24" x 12" in same colour going in front of shop. Should look great against our red walls and red and black counter. Tiles are same colour as counter top.
Staff won’t know what hits them on return to work as they will be cleaning them every 30 minutes, especially in kitchen and prep area - white flour doesn’t go real well on black tiles.
Keeping finges crossed that nothing else goes wrong and delays us anymore, but after losing 11 days sales waht is another 1 or 2.

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Kudos for the foresight to invest more in your business! Hopefully, you can absorb some of the costs in tax benefits…
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Kudos for the foresight to invest more in your business! Hopefully, you can absorb some of the costs in tax benefits…
Only trouble is that you have to make profits to get the tax break :cry:
One good thing is that my wife has finally conceeded and is letting me invest in another oven, POS and is even now talking about her wanting a new prep bench - she says the old one looks dilapidated 🙂 . Kudos to her though. She has held a tight reign on my spending over the last 2 years of the financial downturn to ensure we stayed afloat for the return to better times.

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Spent Friday night painting the prep and store area walls a nice bright white full gloss (for easy cleaning).
Hard being there with the phone ringing off the hook and not answering it (was on automatic answering with closure message).
Kitchen 95% laid and Saturady will see it finished as well as prep and store area, and grouting done on Sunday putting it back on schedule to get equipment back in on Monday morning 😃
Friday re-opening now looking favourable again.

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  1. The glare off the walls Dave…the glare!!! 8)
Yeah is shows up all the blemishes in my knocked around abused complexion. 🙂
Thinking now I have to re-paint the ceilings as the walls make them dull looking 😦
Nah, I’ll leave it to later when I have some more cash and pay someone to do it. I hate painting ceilings

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wa dave:
Nah, I’ll leave it to later when I have some more cash and pay someone to do it. I hate painting ceilings Dave
Gets paint in the scalp . . .erm . . . hair.
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wa dave:
Nah, I’ll leave it to later when I have some more cash and pay someone to do it. I hate painting ceilings Dave
Gets paint in the scalp . . .erm . . . hair.
Right the first time - scalp - NO hair !!!
The main reason I hate painting ceilings (despite the obvious hatred of painting, fullstop) is that being so short the ceilings are a lot higher in proportion to you taller guys. I have to reach further.
Plus it’s messy, hurts my neck, gets paint in my eyes and on my face and I just don’t like doing it.
Me thinks people who like painting or do painting for a living are brain dead from the neck up 😛

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Everyting going badly to plan meaning we won’t re-open Friday :cry:
Electrician couldn’t hook up dough mixer until tomorrow, plumber delayed until tomorrow and metal wall/floor coving 95% finished, just needs some small gap filling, but he won’t be back until tomorrow afternoon to do it.
Looks like Sat re-opening if all goes well but I am feeling Monday the opt.

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Dave take the weekend off and get some rest and start off the beginning of the week with a fresh start. You have been working hard at the remodel and need a couple of days to recoup. Best of luck too ya. 8)
Missed re-opening Friday night working from 8am to 1am finishing off, cleaning and prepping. All done except guy doing metal floor/wall coving coming back to tidy up a few things but otherwise ready to rock and roll Saturady.
Mike I would love to take weekend off but need cash flow asap as we went over budget and times are tough finacially wise after spending on re-fit and missing nearly two weeks sales. Christmas is only about 7 weeks away and we close for the Christmas/New Year break so that will be a week off, plus I get Mon, Tues, Wed nights off this coming week.

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I would think that week between Christmas and New Years would be a great week for sales. People wanting to eat but not cook after having big family meals or parties. ??? :?:
I would think that week between Christmas and New Years would be a great week for sales. People wanting to eat but not cook after having big family meals or parties. ??? :?:
Unfortunately there aew 5 public holidays in this period where we have to pay double time wages and a half so iy is not worth opening.
Plus I get time off and get someone to cook for me 😃

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My typing was terrible - did it without glasses :oops:
Sorry we’re closed when you are coming to work - great shame 😛
Re-opened tonight with the phone ringing off the hook for the best part of 80% of the night. Ran out of our pre-rolled large bases and had to roll out another 30 so it made a good sales night. Just wish every Saturady night was like this.

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