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Store Visits?


New member
Hello All,

I will be traveling via automobile from Michigan to Las Vegas and then on to San Francisco in mid-February. I believe I will be leaving on or around February 11th, jut after the NAPICS show.

I would love to do some store tours along the way. Are there any operators who are along or near a route I could take (I am willing to go a little off the path to come visit) who would be willing to meet with me, show me their operations, exchange ideas, etc.?

If you would prefer to set this up privately, feel free to PM me.

Likewise, if anyone is in the Metro Detroit area and would like to come by our store, feel free to let me know that as well!

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Happy to meet with you if you are coming at a time when I am in town. We are certainly between your points. You would need to turn off of I-80 at Laramie, WY and drive to Steamboat Springs. From here you could continue SW to I-70 and west and visit other PMQ TTers in Fruita, Colorado and Moab, UT.
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Fantastic! I will follow up with you near end of the month once I know more specifically what my itinerary looks like and we can work out the details.

I appreciate it!
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