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stuck on 8000


New member
seem to be stuck on 8000 weekly , took the store over 3 years ago and have doubled sales,but seem to hitting a wall . learning daily still , would love any ideas that might help … thanks
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A few questions I have are: What are the details of your market? What kind of shop are you running? What is your current marketing strategy?

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Along the same lines of piemaker, what’s your market? Are you getting 20% of market or 100%??? What’s your room to grow??
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Is any of your “stall” due to your competitors getting more aggressive in their pricing and/or marketing? Sometimes despite your best efforts, your results can be affected by other activities in your marketplace…
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Aside from the obvious questions raised above… there are worse places to be stuck than $8000! Imagine being stuck at $6000, or $4000… or…

While growth is not happening, be sure to keep a sharp eye on costs and quality.
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