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Student Rewards Program?


New member
I have been doing a student reward program on a small scale, and am thinking about putting it into full gear at all the schools. I am just curious to hear from everyone else as to if they do anything similar and how it works. Obviously, the idea behind it is that you reward the kids with a free small cheese pizza, the kid wants to use it, parents place an order and order the small cheese for the kid and a pizza for themselves. In addition it creates some good will in the community. The obvious opportunity for abuse exists in that the parents could bring in multiple coupons and use them to feed their family (no purchases at all), teachers could horde some of them (but we can limit the amount per teacher per year based on class size), and of course the obvious fact that some people will come in and use just the free small cheese (not super pricey though).

My other option is to make this a package deal with my fundraiser program (can’t do one without the other). Here is the letter I drafted to send out to the teachers:

Date: 08/07/12
To: School Faculty
From: Marketing Department
Subject: Student Rewards
As a teacher you put a lot of time and effort in to ensuring that the children of our community are given the knowledge and skills necessary to succeed as they make their way through life from basic skills taught early on, through advanced classes at the high school level, and during extracurricular programs designed to engage students in their respective talents, you are there to guide them and that is something we appreciate.  At Uncle Nick’s Pizza we understand that what you do is challenging, and that you dedicate a lot of time, and personal resources above and beyond your requirements to ensure a satisfactory learning experience for the students in our community, and we personally respect that. That is why Uncle Nick’s Pizza is dedicated to trying to help out in any way possible, including providing student rewards so that you may give them an extra incentive for the hard work that they put in every day.

Our Student Rewards program was developed solely to help educational staff provide rewards and incentives to their students without putting any money out of their pockets, because you already dedicate more than enough to our community. With our Student Rewards program, you will receive certificates entitling students to a FREE Small Cheese Pizza from Uncle Nick’s Pizza as a way of incentivizing students to continue good traits such as Perfect Attendance and Honor Roll, or for simply doing the right things and giving their best effort each and every day. The choice on how to use the certificates is solely up to you!

To request Student Rewards, simply complete our request form located at []( and we’ll take care of the rest! If you have any questions, feel free to contact Nick Wrasse at 941-391-6651. Once again thank you for all that you do, and we hope to be able to work with you in continuing to provide for our community!
Thank You,
Uncle Nick’s Pizza

Any feedback is appreciated!
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