Stuffed Crust Pizza Opinions....


PMQ Editor at Large
I’m really curious to hear your honest opinions about stuffed crust pizza. This includes the new hot dog pizza debuting as well as crust stuffed with cheese. Do you think it’s a good/bad/ridiculous idea? And why? Have you ever done it? Do your customers ever ask if you offer a stuffed crust? I’d love to hear opinions…

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I haven’t tried to do it in years. When I did try it I think I made the crust way too thick becuase of how much it poofed up. Anyone have any suggestions?
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I haven’t tried to do it in years. When I did try it I think I made the crust way too thick becuase of how much it poofed up. Anyone have any suggestions?
It may be that air got under the seal and created puffiness. It’s important to create a tight seal where the outer crust dough wraps over the cheese and meets the bottom. Here’s a recipe example:
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I dont like them personally, but if enough customers buy them, it’s worth having. For me, the demand has never been high enough for the hassle it takes to build it.
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Leave the gimmicks to the like of Pizza Hut.
They think these will drive customers in but they only drive customers away.
These type of gimmicks only hurt the industry that is under constant attack for causing obesity.
A good honest thin base with healthy toppings are more appealing than any of these gimmicks.
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