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stupid insurance company!!!!!!!


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So i was paying my bill last month and i aksed the lady how much do i need to pay for 2 months cause i want to get it out of the way and she told me 600 bucks would cover it. Come to find out it was 630 dollars and now my policy is cancelled over 30 bucks!

Im so mad right now, i just hope they renstate it
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My state has a 30 day grace period, and why didn’t they send you a bill? Very odd.
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Who is it if you don’t mind me asking? I have had a long running dispute with Firemans Fund over some billing issues after I cancelled. They have been a pain in the a$$ for over 3 years now.
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Same thing happened to me once. My insurance agent called me and told me to get on it. He happens to be my best friend but it just seems like professional courtesy. Especially when their paycheck comes directly from your policy.
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Hi guys:

An old goats observations:

I came out of the army in 1953 and bought a very small company that sold restaurant small wares ,light equipment and bar supplies.

No companies made those types of mistakes, everything went smoothly. Today its as though almost nothing goes right.

We did not have fax, E-mail, UPS etc.

I would scribble a purchase order to a supplier, stick it in the mail and everything just happened exactly the way I ordered it.

Today, we fax an order to a company, because of fairly recent (last 10 -15 years) experience our secretary calls to see if they got the order. A large percentage of the time they cannot find it.

As we mostly order for shipments to be delivered to the various new instillation we are doing they have to fit in to the installation schedules our clients have given us. Our secretary calls our suppliers several days before shipment is scheduled. Simply stated if she did not, chances are the order would not be shipped in time, if ever.

Even with all our checking shipments arrive without the delivering notice to the buyer we ordered or the lift gates we ordered.

Many shipments are incorrect in some way.

Why is this happening?

George mills
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Sounds like a good time to shop around and get a reimbursement for the year you just paid for. They are always fast to raise rates and drop you over claims…but when you actually try to get ahead and pay for 2 months… it’s just a headache nobody needs. Then again, it is just the worlds largest legal pyramid scam anyway. :roll: Seriously, why no letter or phone call? Oh, did they charge you the reinstatement fee too? :shock:
George, I think I can answer this one and anyone that wants to give their take… please do. People just do not care anymore. Everyone does the bare minimum to get by under the radar and if it gets done ok and if it doesn’t, well that seems ok too. It is total BS that things do not get done more efficiently and correctly. This country needs to take pride in its abilities and get back to the mentality of thinking from the 1950’s and 60’s. People used to care and the farther we get from that mindset the harder and harder life will continue to get until we really hit a big turning point. The scary thing is that I believe we are a lot closer to that point than anyone wants too admit. :!:
I pay all of my insurance on an annual basis - automatic draw from my checking account. Never a problem.

LARGE businesses simply suck. I’m still furious over the $1200 disconnect fee BECAUSE AT&T AUTO-RENEWED my contract., for one frickin month!!! It won’t happen again with me in my lifetime. !@##$#@$@#$@# AT&T!!!

LOOK at the robo-sign fiasco that the TOO BIG TO FAIL banks are wrestling with on millions of foreclosures. They are simply FABRICATING documents to support their claims!!!

The biggest complaint I hear from companies is that small business SUCKS! They never pay their bills on time, and will even write bad checks.
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Another reality I’d like to toss into the ring is the difference in absolute sheer VOLUME of business being done today versus 1953. It is flabbergasting just how many units of “whatever” change hands in a month, let alone a year. The number of customers, services, transactions, shipments and payments that happen, and how quickly they happen is almost unfathomable to me.

It seems that processes always lag behind demand. It just gets bigger and bigger when the demand for transactions and timing gets higher and more exacting. In this information age, we demand communications to happen immediately, and with such accuracy that it boggles my mind that I even turn on a switch and lights come on. That said, there does seem to be a shift in customer service. Could it be due to the volume of business being transacted? Is it a shift in the philosophical underpinning of corporate processing? Is it that our expectations have outpaced the ability of providers to keep pace (on a macro-level)?

Who knows. I just hope no one actually trades any cheese next week . . . I can’t afford what I’m paying now!!
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Why is “customer service” and overall competance so lacking? Why does it seem that no one cares, and everyone is just “putting in their time”? In a word, it’s called Big Business. (ok, two words). The further the actual worker is from the actual boss, the more powerless that worker feels, and the less they “own” that job. With the most extreme example being the Federal Government. If you want to deal with people that actually CARE about you and your business, pick the smallest possible company you can find to deal with. Of course, due to “economies of scale”, expect to pay more for your stuff.
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I was in the insurance business for a while, family is still in it… the answer is simple.

  1. Insurance companies maximize their profits by minimizing their infrastructure, so what they do they set up limited payment options (in full, semi annually, quarterly and monthly) if you stray from those pre set ways it’s a crap shoot, if you pay for 2 months, the everknowing computer doesn’t know what to do, some companies may have a “grace” period (they never call it that) but some systems don’t have the ability to have a potential short payment carried over.
  2. customer service nowadays is comprised of underpaid, overworked, overmanaged people who simply don’t have the time to give a c@#!p about your situation, they need to move to the next issue.
  3. even agents now are under the gun from the insurer to maximize profits, insurance companies are cutting staff and expect agents to do underwriting and certain type of customer services while lowering commissions, forcing agents to do more with less… ultimately ceo’s pay themselves 7 figure bonuses on the back of customer experience.
Large corporations now don’t have a long term strategy (CEO’s get paid on last year’s profit not the business they are building over the next decade), so employees have no idea if they will have a job next year end, because if profits are down payroll get’s cut… no loyalty from the employer = no dedication by the employee… just the way we turned out to be.
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