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stupid question


Staff member
I know there is a big reason why its not already done.
But what if I placed in my I Phone a group of contacts
called them customers and sent a blast every Friday…
Since I have unlimited text that would be cheap I could even add a line for 19.00 to keep my private number safe…
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Been there…still do that…

Unlimited text is NOT unlimited…seriously…it’s in the fine print…

I use 8 different sim cards & send them out in groups of less than 90…

I have a jail broken phone & special app…takes about 5 minutes per group…

The sim cards are $15 each…good 4 a month…

Ya…we have/had over 75K #'s at the start…took a week to reach all the freshmen…
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I don’t have a sim card…(sprint)
what app do you use?
is there away to build the list and sync it?
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You’ll still need to jailbreak the phone…

I use a prg called “Group SMS” by Trustmobi, via Cydia…there are others too

There isn’t any hard & fast limit, but I know one time I sent out 1,500 at once & the account was closed …

Depending on how many customers you actually have, a used 3GS phone is an option worth considering…

I use T-Mobile sim cards…
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