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Suggestions for a Walk-In Cooler?


New member
We’re in the market to buy a 6’x8" walk-in cooler – the kind that does not require a floor sink as we do not have them and it would be cost prohibitive to do so. I don’t know a thing about them as far as what to look for, important features, brands etc.

My local dealer has quoted me about $8000 with a floor, installed. I see some really good deals on Ebay for around $4000 shipped (not installed).
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i bought one yesterday at auction year old with floor for 1500 going to take apart this morning anyone in the indy area or willin to travel to indy i will forward info. on next auction
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Hi Pizza pirate:
I don’t know what you refer to when you say floor sink?
If you are putting a cooler on a cement floor you do not need an insulated floor as part of the cooler,
Cooler floors generally wear out years before the rest of the panels.
The 6’ X 8’ cooler should have a 3/4 HP compressor if you are going to place racks of dough balls in it.
Used refrigeration units have a propensity to fail within 6 to 12 months of re-instillation and the operator often looses food that costs more than was saved by buying used.

A good new 6" X 8’ floor-less cooler with a 3/4 HP compressor and a one year parts and service policy plus a additional 4 year compressor replacement warranty should cost you under $5,000.00 plus shipping.

George Mills
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Hi George,

floor sinks: the sinks in the floor where your ice machine, soda machine, prep sinks and other items drain to. Our site in question is very old and does not have these. Normal walk-ins drain into the floor sinks.

Getting a walk-in that does not require a floor sink (or any drain) is more expensive based on the dealers I’ve spoken to.
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Hi; pizzapirate:

Those things are often called a safe waste.

There is not a great amount of water coming off a condenser in a walk in .We have on occasion used a H D condensate evaporator to evaporate the water and or a condensate pump that can pump the condensate into any sink.
George Mills
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pizzapirate…our compressor is on top of the walk-in and we had our plumber put pvc from everything to go out the back so there is no drainage in the walk-in. don’t know if the health department would allow that.

on a side note we have an extra 8X8 walk-in with a door and compressor in storage with no floor that we don’t need and want to get rid of. if you want to go the used route pm me and I will give you a good price and can even get a quote on shipping. (sorry if this is not suppose to be in the think tank, just want to help)
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