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Super Bowl Idea's


New member
Hey Everyone,

Thought it might be a good idea if everybody posted speacials or deals they are doing for the Super Bowl our busiest day.

We are going to run
3 Large 1 Topping
21pc Wings
Bread Stickw/cheese
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I am running something similar:

3 - 14" 1 Topping Pizzas + 1 - 14" CheeseBread + 20 Wings + 2-2ltr Sodas $44.99
Add another 20 wings for only $12!

In my residential store I am going to get a big boost from this due to an error by an ad rep. I am in the coupon book that is associated with the local newspapers and I am on the inside cover full glossy color. Well back at the end of December they made a mistake and the version for my store in Louisville was put in the Longmont edition. To make up for this error they ran my ad on 3 days during the week (Mon-Wed-Fri) and we got a big hit. Of course the hopes of a coupon book is it sits around and it’s cheap. Not sure how much those ads would have cost but immediate measuable response far exceeds the book on the day it comes out.

Anyway - they did it again! So to make up for it this time being the same mistake twice in a row they are running my ad this Friday, Saturday and Sunday!!!

Normally in this store on SB I will do my normal Friday sales - $4500-$5000. With this ad running I am forecasting being well over $6000 and I don’t think $8000 is out of the question.

I think it will be a better SB in general as it may be very close and exciting.
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I’m gearing up for $8000 at our high volume location and $4000 at our other stores. We’ve been busier for Super Bowl every year for the last 5 years so why not this year.

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