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Superbowl pre-orders


New member
Hey Guys,
How do you handle Superbowl pre-orders? Do you encourage it or discourage it. We have never had an extremely busy Superbowl Sunday, but this year will be different with the Packers playing. I am worried about having too many people wanting pizzas at the same time and if we are trying to make deferred orders, the other orders will get pushed back. I am thinking about not taking any pre-orders unless they are more than 6 pizzas and all others will have to be first come, first served.
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Maybe you should think of your pre-orders as your first come orders. You know you have those orders and you are hoping you will get others. I think you would reward those who have thought ahead by taking their reservation for a delivery time and tell the last minute people they will need to accept what you have left (they may have to wait).
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I always tell people on holidays such as superbowl, halloween, etc. I always take the order and tell the customer for deliveries please allow us 15 minutes both ways. We may be a little early…or a little late. but we will be there…Never turn away customers…NEVER
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@Crusher -

We are in Wisconsin too and I’m trying to figure out the best way to handle this too. I’d love to hear what your game plan is or thoughts you are having. Let me know if you want to brainstorm together.

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We STRONGLY ENCOURAGE pre-orders. Have for years and most of our customers know to do so by now. We now take more orders in advance than we do during the rush. This makes it much easier because the phone is not ringing all the time and we can focus more on getting orders out. As for the people that call at the last minute they may have to wait some. Its just like any other day of the week first to call first to get their order.

I know I would rather know that I have to have 300 wings cooked by 5:00 than have nothing going on and then all of the sudden get slammed with orders.
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I’m with BC on this one, we also strongly encorage and offer a better special and a free 2 liter for all orders over $15.00 ordered by closing time Saturday night.
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With Superbowl rapidly approaching, remember that you can also offer take and bake pizza as a Superbowl offering too.
You can use your regulat dough, just be sure to LIGHTLY oil it before dressing, place onto a partial sheet of parchment paper, and then onto a pizza circle, or use one of the ovenable paperboard trays (Pactiv or M-Press). Overwrap, and hold in ther cooler for sale. Try bundling it with sodas for a more attractive deal. Promote it as a convenience. Have your pizza fresh and hot when you want it!
Tom Lehmann/the Dough Doctor
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