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Superbowl: Promotions?


This is not against you I just have to rant a little.

I cant tell you how upset I get when people in our industry talk about promotion on Superbowl or Halloween. Do any of us get discounts on flowers on Valentines day, why should we give anything away on our busiest days, probably because the big three suck so much( and the few indie that shouldn’t be in business) and discount the crap out of there pizza that we all follow.
Last year a few of the places around me sold $8 pizza’s (18in) and wings that ran about 40-45 cents apiece when the cost was around 28 cents apiece. WHY, WHY do we do this, lets all get together and make some money and not give anything away.
Again sorry but I just cant take all the discounted pizza and wings we give away on a day that we should all make money.
As much as I hate to say it I will probably have some discounted packages to compete with the idiots but why do we do this?
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We run a flyer with different types of package deals.

First things first. At the top of my flyer I advertise heroes by the foot. Absolutely no Discount…more of a reminder. This year I went out of the box and am offering 3-6ft chicken parms, grilled Chicken fresh mozz and roasted peppers, and a couple other of our signature hot sandwiches. Anybody can make an Italian combo. But a 3ft eggplant parm? Now that’s interesting.
We are also offering 50 cent wings. This is were I try to capture the folk. I usually hope that this is the deciding factor when people are deciding where to go. I don’t mind making a quarter per wing as long as I can get your pizza, garlic knot and soda business with it. I don’t know if anybody has ever just picked up 50 wings and walked. Almost always it’s accompanied by othEr stuff.
I also have a couple of packages with sausage and peppers, chicken parm, penne 100 different ways yada yada yada. My main thing is, make people spend 100 bucks and give them ten percent off.

Ps. Super bowl has never even lit a torch to our halloweens.
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Watch the way you use the words “super bowl” I think it’s a big copyright infringement. Not that I care…I did
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I guess if you “named” something superbowl it might be an issue. On the other hand, if you advertise your store as place to find munchies while you watch the Superbowl I don’t think they whine about it.

We did a free pizza party worth $100 last year on Facebook. We ran a FB ad for about 10 days promoting it. The idea was that we would draw a winner from people who posted on our FB page and got five others to “like” thier post about why they should win the party. We picked up a couple of hundred new fans.

It also boosted our visibility over that time frame. All good stuff. We did not do any price or special offer promotions other than what we usually have going, all of which are built into our price/margin structure.
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I try and do a promotion that peels orders away from that kickoff drubbing: Ready at Kickoff. I’m just going to reuse that same e-mail again this year, but maybe add a discount for ordering online.

I always use “Big Game” in place of Superbowl… if the customer doesn’t know what you’re talking about, they’re probably not much into football anyways. Although, I’ve personally never heard any stories about local businesses getting any cease-and-desist letters from the NFL.
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we will be doing mostly large “Supper Bowl” packages going after the party’s and bigger tickets. dominoes can have the single one topping people on this day…Go Bears
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Do any of us get discounts on flowers on Valentines day, why should we give anything away on our busiest days,
I agree with your sentiments, 100%. And you make a good analogy there, but I think I can explain the difference, at least IMO.

We are looking to get new customers - repeat customers. The flower shop, while I’m sure likes to have repeat customers, doesn’t look at it in the same way we do - as people aren’t usually buying flowers twice a month.

So an event like the Superbowl gives us the opportunity to get a new customer to try us - and hopefully they will become a regular customer - and that is where we will make the money.
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I think your loyal customers will stick with you on ‘big’ event days. I think that discount shoppers will continue to do just that, discount shop, so for all those thinking they’ll pick up additional customers on big discount days - I think you’re wrong. Build and develop new customers (not discount shoppers) during regular events, and if you like, REWARD them on ‘big’ event days for their loyalty. But, if you’ve build a loyal customer base, you don’t have to reward them on big events. You’ve already rewarded them during ‘regular’ days. Just my 2.1 cents.
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But, if you’ve build a loyal customer base, you don’t have to reward them on big events. You’ve already rewarded them during ‘regular’ days. Just my 2.1 cents.
I only have 1.86 cents worth . . . .

The super bowl is, in the American perception, a huge economic and social event that includes vast amounts of food and multiple people in single locations gathering to at least semi-watching a football game. These factoids are not in dispute that I know of. The tons of guacamole are mind-blowing. So, we as purveyors of food that is often considered desirable addition to these food and football festivities have an opportunity to generate a marketing buzz to attract sales over and above our normal sales on a traditionally slow day. There are basically two opportunities as I see it:
  1. Stimulate an additional repeat sale/purchase from already loyal customers AND
  2. Generate new sales from those customers not already regulars
#1 is low hanging fruit that needs just a little enticement offer that could hit a big bump in ticket average. Give them an offer that could pile on an additional few bucks to that order and you win. How much does it really cost you to bundle popular items with a less ordered one for a slightly lower net price? Pocket the extra $$$.

#2 is targets of opportunity. I would prefer that they become regulars, but they are going to buy pizza and stuff from someone that day, and I’d rather there money be in my till than someone else’s. If they don’t return, then my strategically built offers pulled them over to my side of the street for that one event.

It is a singular opportunity to grab extra $$$ for the till in volume and increased ticket averages. Build offers that are designed to do just that, and you win along with the customers. SuperBowl Sunday is a singular annual event that we know leads to increased pizza/wing/etc. spending on a given specific, predictable day . . . .we don’t really get many of those to hunt in a target rich environment. Well-thought out offers will pay off big in the top and bottom lines, regardless of a little discounting/bundling.

Or just let the other offers peel some of your otherwise-loyal customers who are looking to feed 30 people as much food as they can.
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I run my “specials” a little different than most. On my menu we sell our wings by 10’s… My special is for a Large Pizza and 15 Wings. There is no advertised price for 15 wings so I can set my special price and make more money on my Large and 15 than I can for selling a Large and 10 or 20 and still give the customer a good value.
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I run my “specials” a little different than most. On my menu we sell our wings by 10’s… My special is for a Large Pizza and 15 Wings. There is no advertised price for 15 wings so I can set my special price and make more money on my Large and 15 than I can for selling a Large and 10 or 20 and still give the customer a good value.
Can a brother get a Booyah on that one. Precisely.
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If my average order is $25 and I have a unique opportunity to do $50 orders… am I willing to make special offer to attract that business?

Every day and twice on Sundays. Call it whatever you want to.
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BCPizza…love the 15 wings…ours come in 10 too but for some reason never got the idea to make 15 when doing a special. Love It! :lol:
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BCPizza, or anyone else not as thick headed as me… :lol:

The 15 wing thing is something I have never thought about either. Can you give me an example of how you are pricing this vs. your regular prices? Thanks!
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Registered Guest:
BCPizza, or anyone else not as thick headed as me… :lol:

The 15 wing thing is something I have never thought about either. Can you give me an example of how you are pricing this vs. your regular prices? Thanks!
Well for example if you would normally get $7 for 10 wings and $14 for 20 wings then your 15 price obviously has to be between the two. Now if you just split the difference and make 15 wings $10.50 you did not discount anything so your still going to make a normal profit as if you were selling everything at full menu price. In terms of the “special” what looks better… in this example ill say a large pizza is $10. Large pizza & 20 wings $22.99 or Large pizza & 15 wings $20.50. Now in the LG & 20 special I had to take money off my normal price because otherwise people will look and say well thats no different than menu cost. With the LG & 15 there is no price on your menu so there is nothing to compare to. Now I take it a step further and rather than get $10.50 for 15 I would price them a little more at $11.50. So now if you look at my special I have a LG & 15 at $21.50 or my menu price on a LG & 20 of $24.00. Keep in mind I just used these numbers here because of ease of math, my pizza and wing prices are a little different but this should give u the idea.

I am sure somewhere there is a customer sitting down doing the math and figuring out the price per wing on the special vs menu price. The guy that puts that much effort into ordering pizza can go somewhere else as far as Im concerned. He is the guy who is always looking for a deal and will do anything to get one.
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