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Superbowl Sunday results: How'd you do?


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I’ll start by saying I advertised for this. It was actually quite impressive: We did a newspaper “wrap” that went outside the front page. To see all the Sunday papers at the convenience store with our logo right on the front brought a little smile to my face.

The results vs. normal Sundays:

Dayshift (11AM - 4PM)… 33% up

Entire day… 70.91% up

The rushes hit exactly like they were supposed to (which was kinda cool because it’s not too often when you can predict, “Okay. The phones are going to start ringing now”… and then they do). We stayed busy for most of the dayshift with a lot of dine in business, and had a busier 4-5 rush than normal. It was a little bit of a madhouse for about a half hour leading up to the game to make sure everything was prepped and ready to go. Of course, from 5-6:30 it was all about answering phones as fast as we could. Then we had our little lull (which helped get the drivers all caught up). We had our next little pop at halftime (which was crazier than pre-game because it was condensed into a half hour). We actually got to enjoy most of the 4th quarter, making pizzas here and there, but not too busy. After the game we got another little pop that lasted about an hour. Then it was time to clean up and get out of there.

I’m very pleased with an extrememly successful Superbowl Sunday. The best news is the newspaper wrap had coupons with an expiration date of 2/28, so it helped push sales yesterday, but will also continue to grow sales throughout the next couple weeks. As soon as we get the coupons back I’ll give everybody the numbers (if I can remember - my memory really sucks) about ROI, avg. ticket, and all that jazz.

I’m a little worried about sales, though. We’re doing great and actually just set a new record week last week. However, with all the new troops going to Iraq we’re losing about 1/3 of our barracks population on our military post. I guess time will tell the tale. -J_r0kk
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Nuts,crazy,insane,commical…just down right a crazy night for us. Took all 3 phone lines off the hook for over a hour.

I’m glad the game is over.
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we are normally closed on sunday but my crew wanted to open so for 2wks we bxtoped open superbowl sunday

then sat we doorhung the entire town of 6k people opened at 3pm w/ 50 pizzas in th e1st hour and then went nuts ran out of dough at 8:30pm still sold 4 orders on thin crust though will do it again next year
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I took the advice from the TT and didn’t do any extra advertising. Had a 71% increase over last sunday( which was down about 10% then normal) So it was about a 61% increase than a normal Sunday. It went very smooth, we were very well prepped and prepared.
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My wife and I put out 3500 doorhangers between saturday night and sunday moning/afternoon. My last 4 sundays have already been sky high so I was a bit disapointed in a 55% increase, but over the last 20 sundays, it was an 80% increase. Much larger than normal wing %(we use precooked through the oven) so not too much pressure on instore staff. Lots of carryouts and ticket average was up by 40% so with a few extra drivers we kept delivery times to under 30 minutes while our competitors were delivering in over an hour. Our perfect service coupled with our competitors terrible service should carry over for weeks and months to come.
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My wife and I put out 3500 doorhangers between saturday night and sunday moning/afternoon.
WoW ! How in the world did you do that ?? Average person can get 100 out an hour. It would have taken my crew and I 35 total hours to get that many out and you and your wife did it in around 10 hours ?

Our first superbowl sunday sucked. We had advertised in the pull-out section of the ‘Super Bowl Preview’ in the paper on Wednesday. A 1/4 page ad. We had smaller ads in Thursday and Friday and put out about 800 doorhangers between Friday and Sunday.
I would have liked to do more doorhanging but the high temperture his weekend was 9* and it was just brutal.

We did less than what we had averaged the last four weeks. It’s just mind boggling to me. It is by far the most disappointing day for us here.
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we had a busy day up about 150% over our normal sunday biz. the friday before though was even busier. we had a record day, and a record week. i really thought though that i would be even busier super bowl sunday.

we were steady up til about 4:30 then it went nuts til about 6:15. we had plenty of staff and were prepped to the gills. everything ran smooth, thats why i felt it should be busier i guess. after 6:30 it pretty much stopped. stayed slow til my crew closed at 10.

all in all a great week …hope everyone out there is doin well too!
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We had an above average Sunday, lower then I expected,but we also had alot of weather to contened with. Roads are still treacherous for our drivers.

Next year will be better unless we have another blizzard on the same weekend…lol.
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1-4 little slower than normal, 4-8 busier than normal, 8-10 normal. All in all about 35% more than other football sundays. No ads or specials. Was a good rebound week after last two. Mostly wings & pizza.
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We were up about 12% for the day and I didnt add any hours to my payroll the staff just worked a little harder and faster then a normal sunday so it was a pretty good day
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To put out 3500 doorhangers in my delivery area means hitting just over a quarter of our apartments. For Super Bowl Sunday and any other 1 shot doorhangers we just cherrypick the largest easiest complexes. With these we can put out almost 250 per hour each. We put in about 8 hours each total. Aren’t big towns great. 😃
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My one shop had a 354% increase over my average Sundays. Overall it ran pretty smoothly but it did run into a slight problem. Of course out of all of the days for one of my fryers to crap to bed, it chose Super Bowl Sunday. Last year right before the Super Bowl rush, my label printer quit working. That was a complete nightmare! I have the best luck. Even with one of the fryers down, every thing still worked out alright. My second shop did half the amount of business but it was still up 251% from a normal Sunday. This shop ran flawless. No deliveries ran over 35 minutes. It did about $600 less than my other shop but it was still a lot more than a normal Sunday so I can’t really complain. I really like the added business of Super Bowl but I hate all of the stress that comes along with it.
We were up around 100%. A normal sunday we do $3500. Superbowl sunday we did $7200. Lots of pizza and wings. Did not get backed up. We love the rush, the more the better.
my superbowl sunday wasn’t that great. Sure I did a thousand dollars more than usual, but it wasn’t anywhere near what I had planned and prepped for. We got a small rush that lasted a couple of hours but it wasn’t anything spectacular.
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