Survey!!! How do you pay your Delivery Drivers?


Staff member
Since the topic keeps raising its ugly head here is a survey to get the TRUTH out to the employees who want to tell the owners/operators how to obey the law.
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Based on the responses to this point the delivery drivers that have graced us with their presence are directing their message to the wrong audience.
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Current delivery driver is my wife, and co-owner. Previous drivers received minimum wage plus tips plus $1 premium per order delivered. Even in our tiny little town of 2400 at its peak a couple years ago, our drivers averaged $12 to $14 per hour based on their reported tips.
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We must also take into consideration the 8 states that do not allow tip credit. Any votes from these states should not be considered when tallying the final percentages of tip credit/non tip-credit shops.
We must also take into consideration the 8 states that do not allow tip credit. Any votes from these states should not be considered when tallying the final percentages of tip credit/non tip-credit shops.
Does that exclude me too because I’m from Australia ??? 😛
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wa dave:
We must also take into consideration the 8 states that do not allow tip credit. Any votes from these states should not be considered when tallying the final percentages of tip credit/non tip-credit shops.
Does that exclude me too because I’m from Australia ??? 😛
I think we’re supposed to eliminate anyone that trends the results the wrong way.
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We must also take into consideration the 8 states that do not allow tip credit. Any votes from these states should not be considered when tallying the final percentages of tip credit/non tip-credit shops.
What is taken into consideration is the participating Think Tank members regardless of location. You have accused ALL operators of moral misconduct. The results of this survey show that you are barking up the wrong tree here.
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As a moderator can you see who has voted for what.

Call me a cynic but I would suspect that 2 of the people (out of 3) who have voted for ‘tip credit’ aren’t even owners!
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Wizzle Wassell:

As a moderator can you see who has voted for what.

Call me a cynic but I would suspect that 2 of the people (out of 3) who have voted for ‘tip credit’ aren’t even owners!
No I can’t see who voted but I tend to agree with your suppositions.
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We must also take into consideration the 8 states that do not allow tip credit. Any votes from these states should not be considered when tallying the final percentages of tip credit/non tip-credit shops.
What is taken into consideration is the participating Think Tank members regardless of location. You have accused ALL operators of moral misconduct. The results of this survey show that you are barking up the wrong tree here.
Have I? I think I expressed what my issues are. I believe I said that tip credit is morally wrong. That eliminates anyone who does not use the law. Also, those in the 8 states without tip credit laws cannot be used, as we do not know what they would do it the laws existed in their state. As far as this survey seeking to find what I am looking for (as your initial post implies), it has failed.
Wizzle Wassell:

As a moderator can you see who has voted for what.

Call me a cynic but I would suspect that 2 of the people (out of 3) who have voted for ‘tip credit’ aren’t even owners!
I did vote on behalf of the shop where I work, and yes we all know that it is a sub-min shop. Because I am not an “owner” my vote does not count? The shop’s owner pays sub-min, and I voted as such. Thank you.
I still want too know why you work there if they pay as such??? :roll: Also, when was the last time you sat down with the owner to discuss your valid concerns?

I just wanted to say… I just had a couple of sandwiches delivered from a local Italian shop because I am stuck at home with a sick 3 year old… The bill was $14.70 including a $2.oo delivery fee… I gave the girl a $20. I asked what she makes delivering for them. She told me $8.00 an hour plus $1.50 of the delivery fee plus tips. They keep 50 cents per delivery to cover take-out containers and supplies. She was driving her own car also. She has been working since 4 today and I was her 13th delivery. So far she has made $41 in tips including mine. So she has worked 4 hours… $32 plus $20.25 delivery fee and $41 in tips. That’s $93.25 or over $23.00 an hour. Not bad for a part-time dewlivery job she says. The only thing I feel bad about is that she was so talkative that I hope I was her last drop off…otherwise someone getting cold food. Now that’s my bad! :shock:
Wizzle Wassell:

As a moderator can you see who has voted for what.

Call me a cynic but I would suspect that 2 of the people (out of 3) who have voted for ‘tip credit’ aren’t even owners!
I did vote on behalf of the shop where I work, and yes we all know that it is a sub-min shop. Because I am not an “owner” my vote does not count? The shop’s owner pays sub-min, and I voted as such. Thank you.
By the wording of the question you are automatically excluded. How do YOU pay YOUR drivers? Since you do not pay drivers you are excluded from answering the question, Correct?
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By the wording of the question you are automatically excluded. How do YOU pay YOUR drivers? Since you do not pay drivers you are excluded from answering the question, Correct?
I think we’re back on to gregsters old trick of changing the argument when his position became untenable, telling the original poster what their thread was actually about, same way he ignored whole posts when if got too difficult.

He too had high morals. He totally disagreed with tip credit yet he too also worked for a shop that was tip credit. Strange that, to have such firm moral beliefs, which he argued so firmly against on this site, yet worked for a shop which treated staff so ‘unfairly’ knowing that most indies treat their staff much better. Funny how you’d continue to choose to work for someone like that isn’t it. I’ve heard this somewhere else where was it now…
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Have I? I think I expressed what my issues are. I believe I said that tip credit is morally wrong. That eliminates anyone who does not use the law. Also, those in the 8 states without tip credit laws cannot be used, as we do not know what they would do it the laws existed in their state. As far as this survey seeking to find what I am looking for (as your initial post implies), it has failed.
The purpose of this survey is to determine how owners/operators pay their drivers. Nowhere is the question asked what the law is in anyone’s particular location. All answers from owner/operators are to be considered valid as they are indicating whether your argument has merit here on this board. I maintain the belief your rants are misdirected because the vast majority of the owner/operators on this board(regardless of location) are paying minimum wage or better.

More things that I have not asked in this question are: company owned vs employee owned vehicle, mileage reimbursement vs fee per delivery order, sign vs no sign.

All I am asking is for a show of how OWNERS/OPERATORS pay delivery drivers so the onslaught of accusations from disgruntled delivery drivers will come to an end. If there is no audience for the message then the messenger is wasting everyone’s time.
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I pay min wage 7.25 plus 1.50 per delivery.

I am the one putting out the cash for advertising to bring in those deliveries. Average driver gets $5 per delivery(tip plus 1.50). Take 1 delivery a hour you are up to $12/hr - take 2 per hour = 17/hr and so on.

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When I was a delivery guy I was getting paid 6 an hour off the books and keeping all my tips. I just recently brought my own pizzeria in east meadow long island and I do the same. In some place they pay a 25 base and you get to keep tips which I think is terrible. Esp if you have older delivery guys because they will tell you where to go.
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When I was a delivery guy I was getting paid 6 an hour off the books and keeping all my tips. I just recently brought my own pizzeria in east meadow long island and I do the same.
When you say you “do the same”, are you referring to the pay rate or paying off the books?
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