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Switching back from deck bake to conveyor to deck


New member
When I moved from deck bake carry out only to full service, the decks would not keep up so got conveyor. 3 years later I want to move back to deck as that is the best pizza hands down. Still have our ovens. How can I let customers know that we are going back to deck bake; the pizzas will taste different (the toppings do in each oven) and the wait time will be longer without alienating the customers? Pick up is no problem. It’s the dine in wait time that might kill me.
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Are you customers complaining about your product?..Make sure you are not just “perceiving” a problem that is not really there…As far as wait times, if your clients will not wait, you are probably correct to say “It’s the dine in wait time that might kill me”
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I use a deck oven.
Are you sure you’re not a victim of wanting what you don’t have?
I know I am at times, sometimes I just miss the soft crust and overall taste a conveyor provides. Being tottaly honest I think the younger generation prefer conveyor pizzas, and older prefer deck pizzas.
If I could Id have a conveyor store just pumping pizza. Then a tottaly upscale wood burning Neapolitan pizza store.
Deck oven is middle of the road now days
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My suggestion would be to work on your pizza and conveyor bake technique. You CAN have the best of both worlds. Get your conveyor oven pie to be the way you want it to be and keep the speed.
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Hi December

There is no reason you cannot duplicate the deck bake in your conveyor oven. Check the Dough Doctors formula for doing that.

George Mills
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Where can I sample one of these mythical pizzas? I read about them a lot here but I haven’t seen it, or tasted it before.

I’d make the switch tomorrow if I could find a conveyer that genuinely created the same product that we make in our deck oven.
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I’d make the switch tomorrow if I could find a conveyer that genuinely created the same product that we make in our deck oven.

Check posts on this subject by Tom Lehmann the dough doctor

George Mills
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