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Switching gift card companies


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How do transfer all the “accounts” over to a different company? Anyone ever gone through this before? I’ll need to be able to tender someone’s gift card that they might have held on to for 3 years…
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It would depend on if you have records of your current outstanding gift cards. If you still have access to your old gift card system you could look up the card when they come in and just apply it to a new card. I suppose it all depends on how much outstanding is out there!
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It would depend on if you have records of your current outstanding gift cards. If you still have access to your old gift card system you could look up the card when they come in and just apply it to a new card. I suppose it all depends on how much outstanding is out there!
I currently use aloha and their enterprise gift card system. I can’t find anything on the card management site to just list all unclaimed cards, only query balance by card number… Maybe I’ll email them and see if they can send me a list with the card numbers and balances. I doubt there are a ton but I know they are out there.
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I really doubt they will help you with balances. It’s just one of the ways they keep you from switching companies. How much would it cost to to continue running one computer with aloha just to deal with the gift cards that come in over the next year? Switch the rest of your POS to whatever you plan to switch to but keep one computer running it? Sounds like a shitty solution but depending on the cost, it’s a lot better than telling your customers “sorry but we took your money but we won’t give you any product”.
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I really doubt they will help you with balances. It’s just one of the ways they keep you from switching companies. How much would it cost to to continue running one computer with aloha just to deal with the gift cards that come in over the next year? Switch the rest of your POS to whatever you plan to switch to but keep one computer running it? Sounds like a shitty solution but depending on the cost, it’s a lot better than telling your customers “sorry but we took your money but we won’t give you any product”.
This is exactly what we were thinking of doing. You’re probably right about them not helping, granted I wouldn’t really tell them why I wanted the balances they still probably wouldn’t do it.
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This is one of the many things I love about Point of Success and Merc-pay. (Vantiv, or whatever their name is this week)
I can know my exact gift card liabilities with only a few simple keystrokes
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