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Switching Phone Company ?


New member
I am a Delco and have been using Verizon for our phone service with no problems. Comcast has become available in our area for about $100 less a month for our 4 lines. I was wondering if any of you has any experience with Comcast, either postive or negative and would like to share that with me. We lose our power about once or twice a year and do not lose our phones. Do you know if Comcast has issues with this.

Thanks again for this great forum,

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Just swithched 5 lines to comcast. With the phone,cable, internet, saving about $300.00 a month. Install went ok . Told them 3 x had to be before we openned still came a little late.Lost phones for 5 mins at 11:30 am.
They gave me a battery back-up, but when we lose power I lose my phone system so it really didn’t matter. I don’t know about service yet but there cable service has been good.I’m happy so far its been about a month.What
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They gave me a battery back-up, but when we lose power I lose my phone system so it really didn’t matter.
We keep three “old fashioned” corded phones in our office, and have phone jacks installed on the board next to our PBX (tapped into the distro block.) When the power goes out (happens a couple of times a year here) we plug the phones in and can keep on making pizzas until it gets dark.

It’s a good idea for home too… a lot of people only have cordless phones these days and forget they’re going to lose them in a power outage. Not a safe condition!
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They gave me a battery back-up, but when we lose power I lose my phone system so it really didn’t matter.
We keep three “old fashioned” corded phones in our office, and have phone jacks installed on the board next to our PBX (tapped into the distro block.) When the power goes out (happens a couple of times a year here) we plug the phones in and can keep on making pizzas until it gets dark.

It’s a good idea for home too… a lot of people only have cordless phones these days and forget they’re going to lose them in a power outage. Not a safe condition!
so power goes out and you keep open? with no hoods? no proper refrigeration? when we lose power we wrap all the lines, toss bags of ice in the lines, and close them, if it looks like its going to be a long outage we roll our lines into the walk ins. since they hold temp better. then clean the kitchen by emergancy light.

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When our power goes out we use a generator and plug our walk-in and make line to it. We have gas deck ovens. A few years back we had our biggest day ever operating by candle light and no computers plus no delivery.
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so power goes out and you keep open? with no hoods? no proper refrigeration? when we lose power we wrap all the lines, toss bags of ice in the lines, and close them, if it looks like its going to be a long outage we roll our lines into the walk ins. since they hold temp better. then clean the kitchen by emergancy light.

We don’t have a hood, nor is one required in our operation. The deck ovens have a direct flue. We have an exhaust fan and swamper to cool things down, but we can survive without those.

As far as refrigeration, I guess I didn’t tell the entire story… we keep making pizzas until we run out of food that is already in the makeline (both in the rails and in the box underneath.) We do not open the walk-in under any circumstances to protect our inventory. We wouldn’t operate for more than a couple of hours like this, but I’ve never had a power outage last longer than three hours. Anything more than that and we’d shut down and toss the food that was in the line.
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At my house the cable went out & I still had cable phone. I guess it depends on what kind of problem it is. Doesn’t happen here alot.We would forward them to a cell phone & have the cable company stop the hunt.What
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