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t-shirt swap offer


New member
We have 4 t-shirts here from our original design (L, XL, 2XL, and 3XL). We would love to be able to swap them out for someone else’s great shirt. We figure a 1 for 1 swap could be fun to see how we go. We may even frame them and hang them in our shop to show our committment to the independent pizzeria community.

Any takers? 1st four responses win our swap.
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Would love to swap. Get me an address and I’ll ship a shirt out. Also ready for some artwork to get you some new shirts printed.
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I will swap also! I love doing that! Please pm me with address and I will send it out. (2X is the biggest I have)

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I’ll find one more shirt to swap with everyone up to Goomba. We would like to get 2XL if you have it, or XL if you don’t. We’ll most likely put them in a display, but being able to wear it eventually would be even better.

I’m pterry geeked about this. Once we get our new run of shirts done with our updated logo, I’ll ask if anyone else out there wants to trade some shirts. We want to use this as part of a 'community of pizzerias" feel in one part of our space. We push independently owned restaurants in our County, so why not around the country?

My email is nickgrantvillenet. If you have not sent your address, please send it to me, and I’ll reply with mine.
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Good idea Nick. Mine are on order so I can’t swap with you yet. However, I’ll see if I can still take you up on the offer when they come in.
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Good idea Nick. Mine are on order so I can’t swap with you yet. However, I’ll see if I can still take you up on the offer when they come in.
I’m gonna make sure we order and have enough in hand at all times to be able to swap with anyone who wants to . . . proprietors, customers, etc. These are the last of our previous run . . . we are renaming the shop and modifying the shirts just a little. So, these are collectors’ items! We’ll get the new ones done and be ready to send more out as money permits us to restock.

We may even have a deal with customers who travel that if they bring us a shirt from out of state or something we’ll trade a shirt and a pizza for their troubles. Could be our gimmick.
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2XL is on its way, along with a couple menus (when the new menus come in I will forward a couple of those too)

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We’re going to come back out to the boards when we get our new load of shirts run to see if anyone else wants to run this by. We’d love to get a hundred or more.

We’re even going to make a travelling ‘kit’ to take with us on road trips so we have business cards, menues, t-shirts and whatever else that we can pass along and swap when we meet kindred pizzaioli. It’s a harken back to my Boy Scouting days and my wife’s Girl Scouting days . . . . plus a renewed appreciation for being in this ‘fellowship’ of self-abusive entrepreneurs 🙂
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I have an address from FatBoys pizza, and goomba (I got his from his website).

I have made arrangements with Paul.

Rob/pizzaguy has said he has sent me a shirt, so I’ll have his address soon.

I have not yet heard back from Red Barn Pizza about an address to send to, or confirmation that he knows I am ready to swap.

I’ll keep the others addresses of anyone who has sent me a shirt, and will send one off when we get ours printed and back in house. Tom Boyles, by the way, scores big loyalty points with us for the package he sent us. I want to wear the olympic style medal around town 🙂 We truly appreciate your supporting this effort.

We have decided to use the better part of a 20 foot wall to put up our display of menues and shirts. Centerpiece will be a huge world map with pins or indicators of some sort of where we have made swaps of shirts and/or menues. It’s gonna be fun showing people that there is life outside Coweta County!! 😃
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The Nick’s T-shirts are finally here! Not as many as we intended to order, but that’s a good thing because we’ve decided that they are not what we want for the long term. We tried out the new ‘direct print’ technology, but that meant giving up our traditional white print on color shirts and getting color print on grey and tan shirts. They look okay, but it just doesn’t seem as ‘Nick-ish.’

I do want to make good on our previous offers to swap so I’ve got a batch of 2Xs here to farm out to you guys who sent shirts - we also picked up some shirts from customers and from another board so I want to confirm that…I’m sending to SoCal, Goombas, D’Angelos, and Pizza Pizzaz. I was thinking there should be five from this board so I’m guessing the fifth one is Tom…if you sent me a shirt and we overlooked you please drop me a note - [email protected]

I just quit my day job it might be a little while before we order another round of shirts (and they’ll be red next time) but we do want to do more swapping so I’ll post again when that time comes.

Sorry to be so long following up on this, it’s been a busy summer and fall!
  • Nick’s wife
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I got mine here, ready to go…so original, they have a different telephone number on them…
Anybody else, let me know, I have around 25 I’d like to ship out !

…that would be cool to advertise for each other around the country ! Thanks Nick.
I just quit my day job - Nick’s wife
Kim, Does that mean you are ready to take on the managers job I have open ???

Australia is a really nice place :lol:

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Think we can work out some kind of telecommuting arrangement?

Can you email your address to me? I have completely forgotten where it was that I put all the addresses for shirts…
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Great idea Nick !
I am already swaping a shirt with Bryan at Neighbors Pizza in CA.

Anybody that wants one of mine, send me one of yours, prefer L, ±, and I’ll send you one of mine…
I only have about 20 left so contact me for verification.

It will be great having all these famous shirts.
My address below
Otis Gunn
Pizza Wheel
410 E. Main, BX 512
Quartzsite, AZ 85346
928 927 5339

(be sure to pu the full address, including BX 512 to insure delivery) 😃