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I am in the process of designing t-shirts to have printed since many of our customers ask if we sell the t-shirts. The staff shirts only have our logo and our name on the back, with nothing else on them and I want to do something a little different for the shirts we will sell.

For those of you TT’ers that sell t-shirts, what do you have printed on them besides the logo? Phone number, address, tagline, etc? Anything printed on the front?

With Christmas/holidays just a few weeks away I figured this would be a great opportunity to bundle them with some gift certificates for gifts.

Any creative ways you have bundled the shirts and gift certificates in the past?

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I am a big fan of giving away t-shirts with a qualifying purchase…So many pizzas and get a free shirt…Also a good idea to put a t-shirt and gift card package together…I have no problem with the idea of selling shirt but I lean more to keep the price at a cost recovery or less price point…You are not in the t-shirt selling business so best to use these as a marketing tool…Find a good artist and do a nice design…Get lots of shirts out there and sell more pizza…
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I went with our name on the left chest pocket area (small) and a Giant Logo on the back. No phone number etc, tho.
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Make sure you give away or sell tshirts that your staff DO NOT wear. Have one for staff and one for customers… Speaking from experience…
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The front of our t shirts say “There are two ways you can get it every night”. And on the back is our logo and says carry out and delivery.
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A former employer has several sayings on the back of the shirts. “Corporate Pizza Sucks” is the most popular. “Just Like A Real Restaurant”, “Same Day Service” are also popular. Be creative! Have a contest for your employees, and one for your customers.
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Thank you all for the feedback!

I think I am just going to use our logo which is a pretty neat design in itself. I am conflicted on whether or not to add any additional information to the shirt. Part of me thinks I should at least put the city/state since anyone wearing it is essentially a walking advertisement and if people see it they could easily google our name and city that is on the shirt. Conversely, I think in many situations less is more and people may be more apt to wear a shirt with just the logo instead of logo and text. Argg.
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