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Does anyone do them? Is this really a no brainer? I can think of a million reasons for concept places and perception not to, but they are so simple and seem like a real easy fit for add-on item to deliver! Please help me think this one through, Pros and cons!
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The reason no one delivers tacos is that they just hold up. They are a food meant to be eaten soon after they’re made. If you can come up with a good solution – you’ll be rich!
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my uncle sold them in his pizzeria,but I am not sure if he delivered them.I agree it would be a no brainer since most pizzerias only would have to add tortilla shells,assuming you make a taco pizza.
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Never really thought about it before, but why not just sell a taco pack? Put the taco meat in a soup styro, all the sauces & veggies are kept cold, use a 3 compartment clamshell for that. Advertise “Build Your own Taco” - sell it either by 4 or 8 pack.
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Does anyone make their own taco meat? I would rather do my own than buy the stuff in a bag since it would be cheaper and better… I would probably just need a portable burner or something along those lines in order to do it in-store. Does anyone do this and if so, how do you do it?
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I always thought nachos would be easy. All you have to bring in is chips. Put them on a plate, top like a pizza and throw it in the oven. A lot of the house pizzas could be done in nacho format. BBQ Chicken nachos?
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Hi Guys:

Its good to see operators considering adding to their menu. Pizza is no doubt the greatest product on the market but the proliferation of pizza shops and pizza for sale, even in gas stations, tends to divide the sales up among more and more sources.

I have noticed many pizza shops expanding their menus. I think it is a wise course to follow.

George Mills
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Does anyone make their own taco meat? I would rather do my own than buy the stuff in a bag since it would be cheaper and better… I would probably just need a portable burner or something along those lines in order to do it in-store. Does anyone do this and if so, how do you do it?
I do, and that is what got me thinking about it, as well as a friend in the business who iseems to be doin well with them.

I just brown Ground beef and add taco seasoning, portion for taco pizzas adn freeze. 45/seconds in the Nuker (microwave) and ready for topping hte pizza.
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