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Take & Bake Pizza


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Does anyone think take & bake is still an option in this economy? I’m in a town with about 35,000 people. The only place around here that does that is Walmart.
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I can’t really fathom a T&B. You’re competing against a huge machine that produces 10K pizzas an hour with crazy distribution and who can outlet them at any grocery at your price OR LOWER. I won’t even go into the marketing imbalance. Why the heck would anyone want to compete with WM on frozen pizza, which obtw, is really what your ‘fresh’ T&B most resembles. Not for me, and at the moment, I’d heavily advise my friends against such an endeavor.

Just my thoughts…
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Are you asking about adding a take & bake option to an existing operation or starting an exclusively T&B operation from scratch?
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We had a take and bake operator on here some time ago (a nice lady if I remeber righly)
She constantly struggled to make it and as she hasn’t been heard of for some tie one can only presume the worst for her business.
This person used to seek advise on how to better market her product and seemed to be quite astute in her operation and business ideas but she found it a struggle to get her sales up.
Hopefully she is still in business doing fine and is too busy to post here, but I have my reservations.
Not being in America, but knowing what Walmat are like and how they can crush opposition, I would not venture down the limited opportunity purchase market outside of Walmart would not get.
It’s nice to dream the dream but when your eyes are opened reality is a horrible truth.
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Naida certainly had her struggles…And worked as hard and smart as she could…And in the end she could not do it…
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I had a brief chat with Canukfanlady about 3 weeks ago. She sold out about a month before our chat.
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I had a brief chat with Canukfanlady about 3 weeks ago. She sold out about a month before our chat.
Did she sell the business as a going concern or a bailout? Hope the former.

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wa dave:
Did she sell the business as a going concern or a bailout? Hope the former.

I am not real sure. I know she was having a real tough time. There was a chain T&B that had opened near her that went under. I don’t think the concept of T&B Gourmet pizza was too popular. It is a tough market here with cheese being so high. The fresh pizza makers pay full price and the frozen pizza makers get a break from the government on cheese.
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It was a sale to another person who was going to attempt to revamp it under a new name…It was a sale to get out from under it versus selling a profitable business…The new name is Bibi’s Gourmet Take n Bake Pizza…
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in my town we have about 90K in population and 1 papa murphy’s. that is the only take and bake shop that I know of and seems ot do well in the same strip mall area as WM. the PM isn’t frozen pizza, it’s fresh dough and toppings made to order wrapped and sent out with the consumer on an oven safe tray with baking directions. They also have take home pasta and cookie dough. The home grown pizza leader in this market has their frozen line in all the WM’s and other local grocers.

I cant say T&B wouldn’t be successful in your market but it seems to be a pretty specific niche. I would contact Papa Murphy’s to see what demographics they recommend for their franchises and then see if your market demographics match.

sorry for all of the abbreviations but my 6mo old is wrestling for the keyboard and winning!

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Take and Bake pizza’s have become a HUGE seller in our store.

We sell them as 3 for $21. That is with 4 items. We sell them 3 for $15 if they are only Pepperoni. We par-bake the crust, put them in the freezer and dress them fresh when ordered. We are almost even between Whole Wheat and White crusts.

I have customers that cook them on the BBQ and in their smokers as well as in their ovens.

Many buy 3 ever other week and keep them in their freezer.

We sometimes can’t even keep up on them during the weekends.
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