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So just giving a kudos for Taradel. I was on the website just looking around getting ready to re order my menus and a chat box chimed in and asked if I needed help.

Thought it was pretty cool. Anyway in the process of re ordering but so far so good!

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Kris - What size did you order? I was talking with Chris and he talked about deep discounts if we all went in on a large order. I order 10,000 11x17

Anyone else use taradel?

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We don’t use them. I think we go with a 4x8 box topper, full color bleed. Or something like that. We’re getting ready to place a new order for the winter season, so no real volume, about 15K or so. In March we’ll probably order 100K. So Chris, if you want, perhaps you can beat the guys we’ve used for 3 years… pm me.

Edited, our design is already done, all you have to do is print, box, and ship.
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10,000 8.5x11 4 color, bleed, no fold. $415 plus about 100 in shipping.

Paid 150 buck a few years ago for them to design it with free changes (text).

I am hoping to find a menu I can use for dine in (Same menu just bigger and thicker) Currently have cheezy ones I make on the computer and put in menu covers. But for now just getting my menu order cuz I am close to running out! (I know…I know…I barked a few weeks ago about waiting till the last minute LOL)

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Good evening Folks,

Thank you for the kind words, I’m so proud to work with many of you. If you all place orders, on the same day (we can plan when that is), I will discount everyone’s order as much as possible. What I need is a list of everybody’s orders and then I’ll provide each person with a super-discounted price quote. The more volume (total number of printed pieces) the more I can help. Either way, I want to provide everybody with the absolute best rates possible and I will even offer a 30 minute phone consultation about pizza marketing to anyone who participates regarding tips and tricks to sell more pizza using takeout menus.

Here’s an example:
When it comes to coupons on your menus, think about “value to the consumer.” If breadsticks only cost you $1.50 in food costs, but they sell for $5, then instead of offering $2 off any $15 order, offer Free breadsticks w/ any $15 order (this is worth $5 to the consumer). These types of simple changes (there are hundreds of them) can yield huge sales and increase your average ticket size. Would you rather average $15 per order or $20 order? This stuff adds up FAST.

Thanks again all, please let me know how I can help …if everyone can post the size and quantities of menus they are willing to order, I can get to work for you.
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Ok Chris that’s really great. I need to re-order menus NOW. Does that mean I have to wait until everyone else is ready and wait to see what the discount is…or do I order now and pay more?
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What I need is a list of everybody’s orders and then I’ll provide each person with a super-discounted price quote.
EXCELLENT IDEA AND OFFER!! Lets take it one step further… How about setting aside a PMQ member week each month? Lets say the 3rd week of each month. If a member places their order during that week (and you’ve somehow discerned that they’re a forum member) then they’re eligible for the discount. IF, they order outside of that week, or late, (like some members on this board) then of course, NO DISCOUNT FOR THEM!!
What about it Chris?
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Houston - Thank you for the note, I’ll help you with your order to the best of my ability either way. That being said, a group buy “deep discount” is completely dependent upon a one-time bulk order by multiple participants - there’s no way around that. Either way, I believe we offer the best value dollar for dollar and my goal is provide you with excellent results at a great price.

Pizza2007 - I like that idea, makes sense to me. Let’s give other members some time to chime in and find a solution that is the most beneficial to all participants as a whole. I’ll check back here frequently, thanks!
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I am all for a good deal but we sound like a bunch of dogs frothing at the mouth. LOL Reminds me of a few customers I have…My mom’s friend is your brother’s 8th cousin can I get a discount?

We order 10,000 and get a price break that way.

Can you tell I am in a mood today?
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Chris - How about some hard numbers instead of the “deep discounted” term?

Combined if we order 100,000/200,000/300,00 etc …of 11x17 60lb bleed & folded and other sizes.

As a tt member, we would need more than just “deep discounts” to get this moving. I feel if we had the bottom line numbers, it would benefit you along with us. I know you need to make a profit just like we need to make a profit on what we sell. Would you rather have two fast nickles or one slow dime?

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Ok deal, I’ll see what I can come up with to help move this along - let me run some numbers on Monday/Tuesday and I’ll do the best I can for everyone as a whole. I’ll try and work up a “tier” system for 50K, 100K, 200K,and 250K+ total pieces.

I’ll report back asap, have a safe weekend!
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Chris - How about some hard numbers instead of the “deep discounted” term?

Combined if we order 100,000/200,000/300,00 etc …of 11x17 60lb bleed & folded and other sizes.
I think, if I understand the way Taradel (and most print shops) work, is that they’re reserving time on a printing press owned by another company. So, the discounting comes by crushing as much, uninterrupted work in a small block of time. Kind of like if we could get someone to keep our oven full for an hour instead of sending one pie at a time. Our fixed costs are the same, can we get more work out of the machines and workers that are going to be there either way?

Chris: Are there other products we can have done instead of menus? Box toppers, door hangers, post cards, etc.?
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Pizza2007 I sure would like to see the numbers you are talking about…If you look at the several vendors that advertise in each issue of PMQ you will see that prices are within pennies of each other…So for another printer to come in at double another printer is quite surprising to me…

As far as group orders, they are very hard to co-ordinate…I have made a number of attempts to put together group orders for magnets…And I get 3 that are “hot to trot” and a 4th that can not ever get their order ready…So as a result these type of orders never get out of the “starting gate”…

And I think Indy is sort of right as far as press time…However, as far as I know, Taradel owns their own presses…There is very little margin in high volume printing to be able to broker orders out…Taradel’s retail prices are very close to wholesale prices from trade printers…

The only way to keep the prices down is to have multiple orders that are ready to print at the same time…This is a far more efficient use of press time versus multiple orders spread over a period of time…Even though the total volume might be the same…
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I was told earlier that taradel is quoting twice what printing4less is on 15K.
I just went to their site and here is the price for 10,000 tri fold

printingforless $1759.00
Taradel $999.99

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10,000 tri fold
Sorry, I didn’t mention what size.

15,000 7x8.5

printing4less: $706.00
taradel: $1125.00

Printing4less has done an excellent job over the past 3 years. Each time I’ve seen a post by Taradel, I’ve wondered why we don’t order from them. Then I’m reminded of the cost difference.


For the few times I’ve checked, PMQ advertisers are usually more expensive. Your magnets are also more expensive, which is why I’ve never ordered from you. Not sure where you were going with your post…
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I can not find that size on either site…

My point about magnets was that I too can give group pricing, however, it is sometimes a challenge to get every one ready at the same time…

PS…I agree that I am not the “cheapest” magnet supplier out there…My prices and product work for quite a few Think Tank members so I am happy with those that do buy from me…And thank them for their support…
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10,000 tri fold
Sorry, I didn’t mention what size.

15,000 7x8.5

printing4less: $706.00
taradel: $1125.00

Printing4less has done an excellent job over the past 3 years. Each time I’ve seen a post by Taradel, I’ve wondered why we don’t order from them. Then I’m reminded of the cost difference.


For the few times I’ve checked, PMQ advertisers are usually more expensive. Your magnets are also more expensive, which is why I’ve never ordered from you. Not sure where you were going with your post…
I get the impression from this post that you are doing what I hate having my customers do to me.

I get a call every once in a while asking me to quote a large order for a group. I will give the quote only to hear the customer say,“why will XYZ pizzeria sell the exact pizzas for $50 less?” First XZY pizzas are not exactly the same as mine. Their quality and quantity of toppings doesn’t come close to what I am selling. If you are basing your decision on price alone you are missing the point of comparing apples to apples. When all things are equal then shop by price but I have rarely found 2 shops where all thing are equal.
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With all due respect, in this case, apples ARE apples. One printer, another printer, SAME SPECS ON PAPER, INK, SIZE, etc. In this case, the product is invariably the same, the only differences are price and customer service, measured in the ability to provide specified products within quoted times and price points.

Nothing at all like comparing different pizzas and ingredients. And unlike your price shopping customers, I usually stick with a preferred “vendor” based on historical performance.
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