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td_VP192 Customer Appreciation Day Results


New member
We had our Customer Appreciation Day on Thursday.

Some background:

We’re a delco franchise that’s been open for almost 10 months. Population of 49,000 with heavy competition 34 listed pizza shops in the yellow pages.

The marketing plan:

$4.99 Large 1-Topping Pizza,Boxtoppers, 3,000 doorhangers, 300 businesses faxed, 3 road signs, 2 banners, flyers at video store next door, radio ads 3 days leading up to CAD, two hour radio remote(we’re a major sponsor of a local radio stations Harley Davidson Giveaway. They had the Harley here and qualified people to win.)

The results:

Sales increase of 157.5 % over the average of last four Thursdays

We sold 398 % more Large pizzas than we usually would on a Thursday.

We had 43 new customers call in for pickup and 59 new customers carryout.

My favorite stat was that even though we offered a Lg 1-Topping for $4.99 only 16 % of the orders were for a single pie. We took upselling to a new level. Salads displayed in the pepsi cooler along with free samples of our wings, cheesesticks and brushetta. We had a new display up for dipping sauces that worked really well.

Overall everyone had fun, customers and employees alike. The CAD even carried over to Friday where we had a better than average day.

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Let’s hope tonight is great too. I had a question about the major sponsor of HD giveaway… how much does that “cost”?
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Let’s hope tonight is great too. I had a question about the major sponsor of HD giveaway… how much does that “cost”?
Tonight is absolutely dead. I have no idea why.

We are one of the 6 major sponsors. Major sponsors recieve:

Two hour live remote. 30 commercials and 12 live promotional mentions five and three days before the remote respectively.

300-30 sec commercials over the 8 weeks the contest runs

Logo on the radio stations website with direct link to our website

12 mentions a day as one of the places to register for the bike

Exclusive rights to be the only place selling pizza at the bike giveaway. Last year they had over 2,500 people attend.

Price tag: $3,500
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Yep, you get one too:




Congrats on an extremely successful Customer Appreciation Day. I’m proud of ya buddy.


P.S. 398% more Large pizzas than average? F%&k me! That’s a lot of friggin pizza.
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Slow tonite because many of the people who would have ordered tonite got drawn in on Thursday. Not too many people order within two days so it makes sense. Following my busiest weekends, I expect a dead few days.
Congrats on an extremely successful Customer Appreciation Day. I’m proud of ya buddy.


P.S. 398% more Large pizzas than average? F%&k me! That’s a lot of friggin pizza.
It sure was ! We were proofing dough in everything we could find, sheet pans covered with plastic wrap, tupperware containers… anything and everything became a dough tray for Thursday. We had two guys stretching and both of them could were feeling it in their arms big time Friday morning.
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P.S. 398% more Large pizzas than average? F%&k me! That’s a lot of friggin pizza.
It sure was ! We were proofing dough in everything we could find, sheet pans covered with plastic wrap, tupperware containers… anything and everything became a dough tray for Thursday. We had two guys stretching and both of them could were feeling it in their arms big time Friday morning.
I sure missed that the first time I read it. Judas Priest :shock: I could not manage that sort of increase in volume in one night. We just don’t have enough cooler space to hold that many dough balls at one time. . . sure, the dough boxes are the 1st challenge. Cripies, but you guys sure were humping it.

A friend of mine would say, “You were goin’ at it like guttin’ a hog”.
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