Teaching sex education at school starting for first graders


New member
Was listening to the news this morning and Montana is looking into teaching the first graders about sex.

That is my job as a parent and the age is inappropriate. 7 year olds ???

I shake my head everytime I hear something like this

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Re: Teaching s*x education at school starting for first graders

My wife is a retired school teacher (primary grades) and she has stated many times that the kids she sees receive little education at home. The parents either can’t read to their children, or more often, just don’t, for whatever reason. Their response is “Isn’t that why they’re going to school?” I guess they never learned that like so many other things, education on all fronts, begins at home, so now it is the teacher’s responsibility to teach the child just about everything they need for a successful and productive life.
Tom Lehmann/The Dough Doctor
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Re: Teaching s*x education at school starting for first graders

Hey let them little boogers learn it all on their wedding night like I had to! :oops:
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Re: Teaching s*x education at school starting for first graders

It’s amazing that parents blame everything on the teachers yet they don’t parent themselves and expect the teachers to. You can’t win in today society.

The wedding night…does anyone even get married anymore before having kids? the majority of my female staff have kids and r not married and living with a different guy than the father of their children. I just don’t see common sense anymore.

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Re: Teaching s*x education at school starting for first graders

I think this is a really hard subject as there are so many opinions as too where it should and how it should be addressed. I think parents are totally failing their children these days in most aspects of education in general. Is it all their fault…no. Times have changed… two working parents if the kids are lucky enough to have two parents around in the first place. That and the economy is surely not helping the situation. Stress, money, etc… it all adds up and is not beneficial to the kids of today. Now on the other side…teachers in general are not doing the job either. Not just the sex ed but in all areas of learning. The stories about the tenure teachers that do not teach because of complaints against them… the one in NYC that sits in a room all day… while earning his almost $200k paycheck… but because of misconduct complaints can not have contact with any students. WTF! Oh, he also ran his personal business on the side out of the same office. That works out pretty good. He is an extreme case, but teachers in general are not the people they used too be. Yes it is a hard job, as I am close to more than a handful of educators. I think they should be better trained, higher pay, but also held accountable for their abilities and actions. This country invests so much money into crap programs and we seem too overlook or misappropriate funds in the areas that really need them. We need a total overhall of the education system and the government system. What we are currently doing is not working and the current path, in my humble opinion, is really CRAP! I am not saying the other side has the answers… as I think starting over with a unified single party of single term people that can relate to the population would be a much better restart. When your elected official spends 99% of their time kissing a$$ and trying to get re-elected it gets nothing done. Ok I am straying a bit but all relevent in the big picture here. Good luck too us all…especially the kids!