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telephone lines

Best choice? Voip may be the least expensive choice but may not be the best choice. How often does your internet go down or slow to a standstill? During these times will you be able to take orders? 90% of my business comes through my phone lines and I can’t take a chance to save a few bucks. I use ATT and by bundling local, long distance, and internet I am getting a 50% discount. In 23 years I can only remember my phones going down twice. Once because I forgot to pay the bill.
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In the past 18 of doing business, (food and non food related) the only time I’ve had long phone outages were when we had VOIP services…
I use it at home I like it, but for a business… I don’t kow
we have 5 sequential numbers (4 voice, 1 Fax), a DSL line (for redundancy) and an additional phone number that we use for new marketing tracking and we’re at $430.00 a month.

Cable tells us they can save us a bundle but 2 years ago we made a switch and we had no phones for 2 WEEKS… fortunately this was an insurance agency and all of our literature had my cell phone number on it, so it was a pain but we managed… I can’t imagine losing the phone for 2 weeks in a pizzeria…

While cost may be a great concern to most of us out there business continuity and a reliable partner should far outweigh a couple of thousands a year in savings… 2 weeks of no business would prove to be much more costly…
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Our phones are the lifeline of our business. While I do look for less expensive options they would never include internet based phone lines. Too many issues.
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