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Tell me what you think of this Pie


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How does this Pie look to you?

Thoughts? Impressions?

Do you think the golden color is a turn on or turn off to customers?
Seasonings on top seem to be a serious favorite of the customers…

PS - Thank you to everyone who has helped me to improve my pies in this forum. My pies have REALLY been improved from the sause, to the flour, to the cheese blends, to the seasonings on the pie. Thank you so much for the help and any continued assistance.

PPS - Yes I know there are alot of spices on top of the pie, other than that thoughts? Went a little craazy with the spices on this one I enjoy heavy seasoned food, I usually dont put that much on the pie lol.
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You can not judge a book by it’s cover…But this one looks good and I would dig in to see if the taste lives up to it’s looks…
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I guess it depends on your market and personal tastes…for me there is too much cheese and oregano…can’t tell the toppings below…also the toppings go all the way out and cover the crust…I am sure it tastes great but I am not sure if it as appealing to the eye
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The toppings weren’t sloppy =) I put them to the edges so that when people eat the crust they get a little bit of the toppings with it. There was alot of cheese on the pie I can’t lie there lol. Topping were Pepperoni, Sausage, and Mushroom, with X Cheese.

I think I might have gone a little crazy on the oregano/basil topping, but it was a test pie and I didn’t get it spread out the way I like. The Fennel seed in it gave a great taste though =) One of my better pizzas. This is all opinion of course just looking for yours =)
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I think the cheese looks good as does the crust…seasonings for me would be better with less…toppings unsure…the seasoning kills it for me…I think if you want to do them on top than less might be more appealing…
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When you leave your sauce and toppings back from the edge it will allow the dough to rise more on the crust. Not only does it stop your pizza from looking like a tombstone pizza but it will give your customers somthing to hold on to, And most important you save $$$
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I like the look of this in regards to the toppings to the edge. I ask my pizza makers to get to 1/2 inch from the edge, much for the same reason that was mentioned before… so the pizza can be eaten entirely with the toppings and not have a big wasted crust that gets thrown back in the box. I don’t think my customers mistake my pizzas for tombstone pizzas 😉
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I think the cheese looks good as does the crust…
you can see the crust?

Waaaay too much cheese and waaaay to much spices for my liking.
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Wizzle Wassell:
I think the cheese looks good as does the crust…
you can see the crust?

Waaaay too much cheese and waaaay to much spices for my liking.
Actually the cheese is meant to go over the edge of the pizza, this cooked in the deepdish pan, the cheese melts down the sides of the high walls. The cheese basically fries and it VERY tastey that way. Yes I use alot of cheese and it cuts into my food costs. However customers come back for more alot because it. This pizza actually has Double Xtra Cheese. I love the cheese and I made this test pie for myself… The spices however is also my personal preference not how I usually make it for customers. Thank you for your opinions though =)
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Sorry but it doesn’t ring my bell.

Way too much cheese even for extra cheese, but then again we only lightly use cheese on our pizzas as ours are majority signature pizzas with various toppings. We want people to taste these toppings not the cheese, but that is our way of doing it. So I am not knocking yours, just making an observation of yours vs ours.

The presentation of a pizza should be that you eat it with your eyes before you taste it. The way your photo looks would turn me off with the overload of cheese and the heavy herbs and no definition of the pizza toppings to the edge of the pizza. As with pizzafanatic we have our toppings to about 3/4 inch from the edge to allow the crust edge to rise without being a “tombstone”, but it doesn’t spill over the edge.

My market is different from yours and my customers would reject presentation like your photo but your customers may love it, so strength to you if they do.

But again I make the point presentation is everything. Make it look like it is made with care and thought and not like it has been thrown together … not that I believe yours has.

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Sorry but it doesn’t ring my bell.

Way too much cheese even for extra cheese, but then again we only lightly use cheese on our pizzas as ours are majority signature pizzas with various toppings. We want people to taste these toppings not the cheese, but that is our way of doing it. So I am not knocking yours, just making an observation of yours vs ours.

The presentation of a pizza should be that you eat it with your eyes before you taste it. The way your photo looks would turn me off with the overload of cheese and the heavy herbs and no definition of the pizza toppings to the edge of the pizza. As with pizzafanatic we have our toppings to about 3/4 inch from the edge to allow the crust edge to rise without being a “tombstone”, but it doesn’t spill over the edge.

My market is different from yours and my customers would reject presentation like your photo but your customers may love it, so strength to you if they do.

But again I make the point presentation is everything. Make it look like it is made with care and thought and not like it has been thrown together … not that I believe yours has.

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chalk me up into the minority I guess. Though I can’t see the side-shot to gauge a thickness on your pie, it looks very similar to what Monical’s (a mid-size regional chain here) puts out as their main style pizza. I agree with the others that would caution against so heavy a spice “dusting” as it looks pretty solid there. As far as the toppings to the edge, I have no issue with that and personally would rather see that as opposed to too wide a rim, to me it leaves the impression the customer is getting ‘more’ for their money. I’m personally a fan of letting the cheese carmel off a bit before calling it done, this may have gone just a titch to far, but I would rather see that coloring on my pie as opposed to just plain melted, not browned, cheese.

My review…yeah, I’d eat that.
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Color and crust look to be OK, but waaay to serious on the seasonings.
Plus, I know what burnt seasonings taste like, and this pie (if it has them or not) sure looks like it has burnt seasonings on top. So, speaking just for me, I would take a pass on this one. If your customers like it, then it is the right pizza for you, or should I say for them. Remember, we don’t have a vote in this matter, only our customers do.
Tom Lehmann/The Dough Doctor
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I think it looks great with the cheese to the edge, we do the same thing with our pan pizza, our crust is thicker and we get the cheese to fry around the edge as well, our custoemrs love it, " that pizza was sooo good, we even ate the crust" is a common comment we get. Agreed about the seasoning, too much and i think it would be too dominent in ther pizza.
Our pizzas are messy when customers eat them but thats what we want.
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I’m not a huge fan of the cheese covering all the toppings, but I would try it. Maybe a bit much seasoning for my taste. I wouls also like to see a bit of edge crust…but that’s just me. Keep experimenting, and remember that you can’t please ALL of the people ALL of the time.
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