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terrible experience at Jets Pizza


Staff member
So Its labor day and we are going to my in laws on Sunday and I thought well this will be a great time to try the new chain that just moved in down the road from them (50 miles from me). If its pizza then I will try it.
So I ordered there 5 topping pizza, I asked for beef on one side and Canadian bacon on the other side.
I was told that they didn’t carry beef but we do have hamburger. I asked her hmm whats that made of and she said ummmm beef. I said well there you go(she didn’t see the humor). She then tells me it would be 15 minutes for pick up. So I mess around a few minutes with the family and head that way. I get there and the lady rings me up $17.66, but the receipt did not print. So she swipes me again. I sign my receipt and wait and wait about 20 minutes and she brings out my pizza. Opened it up and immediately saw it was wrong. My pizza had bacon on it. I explained that it was suppose to be Canadian bacon and with out even missing the beat she said “Sir, how can you tell if it is imported from canada or not?” they did offer to remake it with ham but said it would be 45 minutes cause they are now on to the dinner rush…pass
So I get home pizza wasn’t bad. a little doughy for my taste but over all better than the chains.
This morning I went off to the bank and make a deposit. I usually get a mini statement just to make sure things are balanced and I noticed they charged me TWICE. I called the store today and told them that she swiped me twice and I was told by them they only have once.I explained that the first time there was no receipt. He then told me that the server would not re swipe my card because the machine easily reprints receipts. I told them my statement says 5:02:31 pm and 5:03:04pm he told me that they only show me for 502pm and I said well that’s funny cause the receipt that DID print that I still have was the 503 pm He said sorry i had to take it up with my bank…who charges of course 15 dollars to dispute charges
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Rockstar, make sure one of your charges isn’t just an authorization. If they accidentally charged you twice, realized it, and then voided one of the transactions it may still show up as an authorization for a couple of days. With the predominant bank here (Chase) the authorizations show as “Pending” and there is no way to tell that one of them is going to fall off.

But other than that, yeah, that did not sound like a good experience at all!
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Rockstar, make sure one of your charges isn’t just an authorization. If they accidentally charged you twice, realized it, and then voided one of the transactions it may still show up as an authorization for a couple of days. With the predominant bank here (Chase) the authorizations show as “Pending” and there is no way to tell that one of them is going to fall off.
I would have the same suggestion in general . . . except for everything else in the story. The “no beef” and “imported from Canada” tell me the cashier either lacked real experience in the world, or was under-trained, or was a half-wit. It is these sorts of experiences that make me scratch my head and wonder at the future of our work force. Seriously and not being a smart arse. Sure, it means my business looks great in comparison, but I gotta eat somewhere when I am out of town 😦 And I gotta find employees when mine leave.

I definitetly write to the owner of the store and strongly request a refund of the second swipe, with vague allegations of
charging fraud and theft sorts of charges. Already the manager has been unwilling to work with you . . . criminal charges are possible if this is a trend of any sort. I really would not plan to have charges brought, but some sort of correction is needed if they flat out TOOK your money.
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Rockstar pizza:
He said sorry i had to take it up with my bank…who charges of course 15 dollars to dispute charges
I would double check that. Never heard of a fee for a cardholder disputing charges.
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Rockstar, make sure one of your charges isn’t just an authorization. If they accidentally charged you twice, realized it, and then voided one of the transactions it may still show up as an authorization for a couple of days.
Ditto. But this really only happens when a customer changes an order and so a new authorization is run while the old is dropped.

That being said, we have had it happen where the charge was made twice although it only showed up once on our end. Nothing happened when our cashier swiped it the first time so he went through with again. When we called the our processor to see what happened they could not explain why but did admit it can happen – just some glitch. Since over 99% of the time its just an authorization that will disappear its easy to see why they would just dismiss it but they obviously did not handle the situation well.
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BOTH POSTED AND PAID TODAY, sent an email to corporate we will see if they care, and I did tell them about the employee and manager
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