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over the last 2 years we have accumulated a lot of numbers, we are probably going to give way and finally do the text marketing,
Does anyone have any idea how to clean up a list?
For instance I have a list of 6000 numbers, this has been being built over the last 2 years. People move and change their numbers, how can I filter this out?
In short is there a way to update my cell phone numbers?
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The short answer is no…

Most services will charge you 5¢ a message…keep that in mind as well…

My list is over 70K…(long story) so a service is cost prohibitive…lol…we do it ourselves…

A simple way to begin cleaning your list, is a simple broadcast ‘thank you’ for being a customer…no deals offered, as you need to begin to develop a ‘new’ relationship…many will opt out politely, stating they’ve moved etc…

Some will be irate and threaten…nothing to really worry about…

When I used a service, I used EZ-Texting…pretty good service…

I’ve contemplated starting a sideline biz, based on what I learned over the last year…lol…
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what do you think about sending a single blast needing some kind of response that would let me build a list from
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Some will be irate and threaten…nothing to really worry about…
Maybe I’m in the minority here, but I would never, ever do business with a company that sent me an unsolicited text message regardless if it was legal under the “relationship” loophole or not.

Beyond that, I’m not sure the “relationship” loophole is even valid for text messages, based on the FCC website: … -and-email
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Piper ha a point, but, really, in my experience, I don’t believe I’ve lost any business or customers because of any ‘blast’ I’ve done…‘jes sayin’…

It’s a ‘gray’ area regarding the FCC…but they won’t be going after you because of one text blast to previous customers…just not gonna happen…

Text marketing can be a part of your plan, but the trick is not to abuse it…I never text more than twice in a 30 day period…

What you can start doing, with new customers, and known good customers, is to thank them the following day, for their last order…you’d be surprized how many of my customers have appreciated that…and that opens the door for further contact…

We back up our text program with email as well, but again, watch the spam…

We still door hang too…

For me, sending a text and expecting instant sales has not happened…make sure the offer has some ‘shelf life’…we use Point of Success and online ordering, and gear our text specials around that…

Text marketing is not free, but it is cost effective if used judicially…
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sorry I should have clarified that these were all opt in at the time of taking the number its just been a long time coming.
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I’ll be following this lawsuit, but chances are it’ll fall apart…

Anyone can begin a class action suit…few result in big pay offs…
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