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Text Message marketing, do it yourself?


New member
Hey all,
Was wondering if anyone know how to setup your own marketing program for text messaging the masses?

I know one way you could do it is create a custom phone # from a dialer website, and just have your customers text that specific phone # and add them to your contacts, then just do Group Texts from there… but you dont get that custom “Just Dial EATIT to 77777”.

Anyone have info on how to do this?
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If you are a small business then I assume you have a lower budget than most. Here is someone who decided to use Google Voice to send out SMS for free. … ogle-voice

This is an article that has a lot of information on SMS marketing that you could look at. It tells you all the different options and the pros and cons of each. The article mentioned that you could use Distributive Networks so that you could get a custom code that people could text to like your “Just Dial EATIT to 77777” … wanted=all

Hope this helps!

Savanna Eckenrode
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…but you can only text 5 @ a time…not productive, or I’m missing something…

I’ve used a couple of services…'bout 5¢ a SMS…

Just make sure it’s true SMS and not a email gateway svc…
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I’ve been using Voice for over 2 years now and am very familiar with it. Yes it only does about 5 at a time but I was looking around the other day and there is this site that uses Voice to mass text as mean contacts as you want.
cha-ching 😃
I just have to find that site again. :o
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In computing, a uniform resource locator or universal resource locator ( URL) is a specific character string that constitutes a reference to an Internet resource.
I was about to start a new thread about Text Marketing but decided to search it first and since this thread was only a month old I figure why cloud up our board…

Anyway many stores in my chain have begun doing text marketing. Since I have 4 stores I had 4 very different experiences that I would like to share.

First off TEXT MARKETING does work and can work well for a long time if you learn how to use this tool properly.

The company we found with very good rates is actually local to the Denver Metro area but is able to service the whole country - they will be at Pizza Expo so please check them out

We pulled lists from out POS database and they did the rest from there. Some of you may already be worried about the legal side of such tactic and I can assure you it is a legal. Maybe it is not moral, but we can discuss that too.

My bigger stores in Longmont and Boulder both had large databases of near 50k phone numbers in them [mistake #1 pull only list no older than 6 months since last order - I am now pulling T-120].

My smaller stores had near 16k. In my big stores I went with a less agressive offer [$7.77 for a 14" 2 Topping]. My smallest market I went with a slighlty more agressive offer [$5.55 for a Large 1 Topping]and in the store I am bringing back from the dead I went balls out, offering a 12" 1 Topping for $3.99 [Food Cost was 29%]. I also included in the text that I would lower my minimum for FREE Delivery to $7.77 for this 3 day only event. The full lists were partitioned and 1/4 or 1/2 total went out of each store. Land lines bounce as the texting begins.

Going back to my mistake of pulling too old a list 90% of the complaints that came in were from the people in the databases that were just too long ago since they had ordered. We had a total of 200 phone calls of which 25 were in the completely upset range and the rest were simple OPT OUT complaints. We had sent out 28,000 texts on a Friday night at 3PM.

Large Residential Store barely knew the texts had even hit.

Smallest market did very little response as well.

Large store with Campus in Boulder had best dinner rush in several years and stellar late night from the students who received the text.

New project store had best response with the most agressive offer. We recorded our first 100 pie hour since taking it over and the 3 day offers redemption was 258. We had an increase over the previous weeks sales of $1000 all packed into that Friday, Saturday and Sunday.

It seems the people who responded overall really liked the fact that this happened the way it did. The folks that were upset were thought we were doing something illegal and all claimed to not have texting as a part of their plan and since they got hit with 2 texts that would cost them upwards of 50 cents. We offered a FREE 12" 1 topping pizza as compensation to any who wanted it for their troubles.

I scrapped my 4 lists and pulled new ones with last order date no older than 10/31/11. Lists are considerably smaller but more reflective of my current customers. We will hit full lists again the day after I get back from Expo.

The future of this for me is to then add to these lists by “organic growth” and having a keyword to opt in and put it on everything.

FYI - stores in my chain that did not make the mistake I made with super old list did not report but 1 or 2 angry people and very few opt out calls.

Just thought I’d share my experience and give this company a recomendation in the process.

Online ordering is merely a tool to ease ordering process. Email marketing is often to repetive and falls to spam folders too often. Text marketing is working your database of CURRENT customers.
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brad randall:

Unsolicited, 0% permission-based text blasts…

By letter of the law you have done business with them thus it is not 0% permission
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I’m getting ready to do my text blasts again…tho my list is now old ( sad)…

I know I’ll get a few dozen complaints, burns I hate that, but ya get complaints with door hangers/mail as well…

I’ve generally gotten decent results when blasting in the past & this next time we’re doing a $1 medium pie to reintroduce ourselves back in the market, a well as a FB ad…

These are take-out specials only, for 1 weekend…

We’ll get some new data as well…

But rather than using a service, like before, we’re going to use an iPhone and a CRM program called VIP Orbit…the were the designers of a similar CRM called Act!

I’ve been using it to refresh some FB contacts…might be my next fav program!
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Guaranteed way to lose this potential customer … spam my phone.

Stick with e-mail; just about everyone receives it on thier phones now anyway.

Texts are for messages from friends; family; work … not your Monday large pie and 2 liter special.

Edit: btw Mr. Pi; a credit card is considered "doing business " as it’s an account with a contractual agreement. Ordering a pie (and subsequently stealing your phone number to telemarket) is not. Do you provide a Privacy Policy with each order as well?
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Guaranteed way to lose this potential customer … spam my phone.

Stick with e-mail; just about everyone receives it on thier phones now anyway.

Texts are for messages from friends; family; work … not your Monday large pie and 2 liter special.

Edit: btw Mr. Pi; a credit card is considered "doing business " as it’s an account with a contractual agreement. Ordering a pie (and subsequently stealing your phone number to telemarket) is not. Do you provide a Privacy Policy with each order as well?
FCC guidelines is all…I questioned the company and that is why it is ok. You dont have to do it - and I may not ever do it again. The point was I shared my experience. And a credit card has nothing to do with it…and why have morals over texting but spam away their email box? Come on give me a break.
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I think that some may be upset about recieving a text while others will like it.I wouldn`t spam anyones phone but imo a text every 10 days 2 weeks would be ok.
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I just started doing this today!I dont have a pos,so I have to build a list of numbers my self.I am offering a free fountain drink with any purchase to get started.any other ideas or sugestions?I put fliers out in many places such as gas stations mechanics post office,etc. anywhere I know the owner or many numbers should we target to make this effective and how soon after the text do most come in to redeem?also what about double redeemers?
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