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Thank you Everyone!


New member
Hello Everyone! I posted this more then a year ago I just wanted to say thank you to everyone who encouraged me and gave me advice. It was this moment in time that set me down the road I’m currently on. I Bought the store! I’ve cleaned it up. The staff is content and happy, the customers are happy! Sales have more then doubled from what the previous owner was doing. In the process of buying it, we looked at another location that was for sale. We ended up getting that one too. (No I don’t know what I was thinking! I guess I wasn’t thinking!! But I have two Babies now!) Both are doing great!! The first store was filthy, the second was even filthier! Both have been pulled up from down in the dumps to the top 10 in quarterly sales for the franchise. Out of 220+ locations. I don’t know if that means much to some, but to me it means alot. I work my tail off that’s for sure! I just want to thank everyone here!! Thank you for the forums, thank you for the advice and encouragement. Thank you for answering questions, I have found many answers I needed from the questions others have asked. I’m still on a huge learnign curve. But I love my Job! THank you Everyone!!
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