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Here is hoping that everyone (in the appropriate countries) has a safe and enjoyable Thanksgiving and well deserved day of rest.
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May all the TT’s enjoy your special day.
As it starts to cool over there, here downunder we are getting temps around 37oC. Not really condusive to eating hot turkey with all the trimmings.
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Happy Thanksgiving too all. Enjoy your family and friends on this day. Even though times are not the best for all… remember how much worse it really could be. Take the time to reflect and be truly thankful that we are able to pursue our own dreams in the free and self driven ways that we choose. I have learned in the years that I have been reading and commenting on the TT that the people here… although from very different areas of the world and having such a vast difference of opinions at times… they all seem to care and support each other and are willing to take the time and effort and more to help each other as best they can. Take all the minor complaints and problems away and the pizza world is made up of a pretty decent group of people. Keep up the good work all! Have a great holiday. :!: